23 September 2024

8. Can the framework explain the observed baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) in the large-scale structure of the universe?

The extended classical mechanics framework offers a unique perspective on baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) by emphasizing the interactions of mass and energy within the universe rather than relying solely on general relativity's treatment of spacetime. Here's how this framework can explain the observed BAOs:

Key Explanations:

Sound Waves in the Early Universe: BAOs are generated from sound waves that propagated through the hot, dense plasma of baryonic matter and radiation in the early universe. Extended classical mechanics can model these oscillations as the result of pressure and gravitational interactions between baryons and photons. As the universe expanded and cooled, these sound waves left imprints on the distribution of matter, leading to characteristic density fluctuations.

Energy Transfer Mechanism:

The framework posits that these oscillations arise from the dynamic energy exchanges between baryons and the radiation field. When baryons experience gravitational attraction, they oscillate around their equilibrium positions, creating pressure waves. This energy transfer during these oscillations is integral to understanding how BAOs manifest in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structures.

Effective Mass Considerations:

In this context, the concept of effective mass plays a crucial role. The baryonic mass is influenced by both ordinary and apparent (negative) mass components, which can affect the dynamics of oscillations. The interplay between these masses governs how energy is distributed throughout the oscillating medium, shaping the resulting structures in the universe.

Formation of Large-Scale Structures:

As the universe expands, these oscillations contribute to the formation of large-scale structures, such as galaxy clusters. The regions of higher density resulting from BAOs lead to gravitational attraction that drives the clustering of matter. This clustering can be analysed through the framework's emphasis on energy conservation and momentum exchange, providing insights into the distribution of galaxies and cosmic structures.

Avoiding Singularities:

Extended classical mechanics sidesteps the singularity issues that arise in traditional models. By focusing on dynamic interactions and energy flow, it offers a more continuous framework for understanding the evolution of structures influenced by BAOs, without invoking undefined states or infinities.

Alignment with Observations:

The predictions of this framework regarding the scale of BAOs align with observational data from the CMB and galaxy surveys. The periodicity seen in galaxy distributions can be interpreted as the result of the coherent oscillations that originated in the early universe, reflecting the underlying dynamics of mass interactions.


In summary, the extended classical mechanics framework can effectively explain baryon acoustic oscillations by modelling them as dynamic interactions of mass and energy in the early universe. By focusing on sound waves, effective mass considerations, and energy transfer mechanisms, this approach provides a coherent understanding of how BAOs influence the large-scale structure of the universe while avoiding the complications associated with singularities in traditional models.

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