18 November 2024

Light's Distinct Redshifts Under Gravitational and Anti-Gravitational Influences:

Soumendra Nath Thakur  
Tagore's Electronic Lab, W.B., India  

18 November 2024.


This study supplements A Symmetry and Conservation Framework for Photon Energy Interactions in Gravitational Fields by Soumendra Nath Thakur,[1][2] providing a deeper exploration of the distinctions between gravitational and anti-gravitational redshifts of light. It identifies two primary mechanisms: gravitational redshift (due to ΔEg), arising from localized photon interactions within gravitational fields, and cosmic redshift (due to ΔE), resulting from energy loss as photons interact with the anti-gravitational field of dark energy over vast intergalactic distances. By incorporating field-specific energy dynamics, this study enhances the understanding of symmetry, conservation principles, and photon behaviour across diverse gravitational and cosmological contexts.

Keywords: Photon energy interactions, gravitational redshift, cosmic redshift


This supplementary analysis delineates the mechanisms behind light's redshift phenomena within gravitational and anti-gravitational fields. While traditional approaches often attribute redshifts to generalized spacetime dynamics, this study refines the framework by distinguishing between localized gravitational redshifts and cosmological redshifts arising from dark energy interactions, offering a perspective that aligns with conservation principles.

Key Insights

1. Gravitational Redshift (Redshift due to ΔEg):

• Mechanism: This redshift occurs as photons escape a gravitational field, where the interactional energy (ΔEg = hΔf) diminishes as gravitational influence decreases.
• Energy Conservation: While the interactional energy ΔEg decreases, the photon's intrinsic energy (E = hf) remains constant, reflecting the localized nature of this redshift.
• Significance: This redshift is predominantly observed in systems with strong gravitational wells, such as stars or galactic clusters, underscoring the photon’s interaction with gravitational fields rather than spacetime curvature.

2. Cosmic Redshift (Redshift due to ΔE):

• Mechanism: Cosmic redshift arises as photons interact with the anti-gravitational field of dark energy while traversing within intergalactic expanding space.[3] This interaction results in a loss of intrinsic energy (ΔE), manifested as wavelength elongation.
• Cosmological Scale: Unlike gravitational redshift, cosmic redshift is a cumulative effect observed over vast distances, beyond the zero-gravity sphere of gravitational influence. It is directly driven by the expansion of intergalactic spatial distances and the dynamics of dark energy.

Wavelength, Frequency, and Redshift Dynamics

Redshift phenomena fundamentally depend on the interplay between changes in wavelength (Δλ) and frequency (Δf), as these quantities are inversely related. This relationship can be expressed mathematically as:

f = − (c/λ²) Δλ

Where c is the speed of light and λ is the wavelength of light.

The negative sign here indicates that an increase in wavelength (Δλ>0) will cause a decrease in frequency (Δf<0) — this is a redshift. Conversely, a decrease in wavelength will lead to an increase in frequency — a blueshift. When the wavelength decreases (Δλ<0), the frequency increases (Δf>0), resulting in a "blueshift" — the light is compressed.

In this context:

1. Gravitational Redshift (Redshift due to ΔEg):

• Occurs due to a reduction in photon interactional energy (ΔEg = hΔf) as the photon escapes a gravitational well.
• Despite the change in frequency (Δf), the photon's intrinsic energy (E = hf) remains conserved, reflecting localized field-specific interactions.

2. Cosmic Redshift (Redshift due to ΔE):

• Arises as photons lose intrinsic energy (ΔE) while interacting with the anti-gravitational field of dark energy across intergalactic distances. This manifests as an elongation of the wavelength (Δλ > 0), leading to a decrease in frequency (Δf < 0).

By examining the relationship between wavelength and frequency in both redshift contexts, this section strengthens the distinction between gravitational and cosmic redshift, providing a precise framework for understanding their physical origins and implications.


This framework emphasizes field-specific dynamics:

• Localized Redshift: Gravitational redshift (ΔEg) reflects localized photon interactions in gravitational fields, independent of intrinsic energy (E = hf).
• Cosmic Redshift: The energy loss during cosmic redshift (ΔE) underscores large-scale photon interactions with anti-gravitational fields.

By accurately delineating these two redshift mechanisms, this study enhances conceptual clarity, ensuring the distinctions between gravitational and cosmological redshifts are evident.


This supplementary research offers pivotal insights into the mechanisms underlying light's redshift phenomena within gravitational and anti-gravitational fields. By distinguishing between Redshift due to ΔEg and Redshift due to ΔE, it refines our understanding of photon energy interactions, shedding light on localized versus cosmological processes.

Gravitational redshift highlights the conservation of intrinsic photon energy during localized interactions within gravitational fields. In contrast, cosmic redshift underscores the cumulative energy loss experienced by photons as they traverse the anti-gravitational field of dark energy over vast cosmological distances. These distinctions deepen our understanding of photon behaviour, symmetry, and conservation across varying gravitational contexts.

By integrating these findings with the framework outlined in A Symmetry and Conservation Framework for Photon Energy Interactions in Gravitational Fields, this study advances the interpretation of redshift phenomena, enhancing their significance for both gravitational and cosmological research.

Final Note

This research offers a new perspective on light's redshift phenomena, which may significantly influence our understanding of gravity, dark energy, and the behaviour of light within the cosmos.

For a more comprehensive exploration of the proposed framework on photon energy interactions, please refer to the cited references [1]. Reference [3] delves into the role of dark energy in shaping the structure of galaxy clusters.


[1] Thakur, S. N. (2024). A Symmetry and Conservation Framework for Photon Energy Interactions in Gravitational Fields. Preprints.org (MDPI), 202411.0956/v1. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202411.0956/v1
[2] Thakur, S. N. (2024). A Symmetry and Conservation Framework for Photon Energy Interactions in Gravitational Fields. EasyChair. https://easychair.org/publications/preprint/SsTn
[3] Chernin, A. D., Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G. S., Teerikorpi, P., Valtonen, M. J., Byrd, G. G., & Merafina, M. (2013). Dark energy and the structure of the Coma cluster of galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 553, A101. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201220781

Analysis of  the paper entitled, "Light's Distinct Redshifts Under Gravitational and Anti-Gravitational Influences:" 

 Light's Distinct Redshifts: Gravitational vs. Anti-Gravitational 

This paper by Soumendra Nath Thakur builds upon his previous work and delves deeper into the concept of redshift for light, differentiating between how it occurs under the influence of gravity and anti-gravity (dark energy). 
Here's a breakdown of the key takeaways: 
Traditional vs. New Perspective on Redshift:
Traditionally, redshift is attributed to the overall curvature of spacetime caused by gravity.

This paper proposes a more nuanced view, distinguishing between two types of redshift:

Gravitational Redshift: Occurs within localized gravitational fields due to interactional energy loss (ΔEg) as photons escape the field. Intrinsic energy (E) remains constant.

Cosmic Redshift: Occurs over vast intergalactic distances due to intrinsic energy loss (ΔE) as photons interact with the anti-gravitational field of dark energy.

Key Points:

Gravitational Redshift:

Happens as photons escape a strong gravitational well (stars, galaxies).
Represents a decrease in interactional energy (ΔEg), not intrinsic energy (E).
Highlights photon interaction with the gravitational field itself, not just spacetime curvature.

Cosmic Redshift:

Occurs across vast distances in expanding space due to dark energy.
Represents a decrease in intrinsic energy (ΔE) of photons.
Reflects the cumulative effect of interacting with the anti-gravitational field of dark energy.

Understanding Redshift Through Wavelength and Frequency:

Redshift is linked to an increase in wavelength (Δλ) and a decrease in frequency (Δf) of light.
The paper provides the mathematical relationship between these: f = - (c/λ²) Δλ (c = speed of light, λ = wavelength).
This equation explains how a growing wavelength (redshift) translates to a lower frequency.

Framework and Conclusion:

The framework emphasizes the difference between localized (gravitational) and large-scale (cosmic) interactions with specific fields.
Gravitational redshift signifies conservation of intrinsic energy during localized interactions.
Cosmic redshift highlights the cumulative energy loss due to dark energy across vast distances.


This distinction between redshift mechanisms offers a clearer understanding of photon behaviour under various gravitational influences  

 It refines interpretations of redshift phenomena in both gravitational and cosmological research.

By integrating these findings with the author's previous work on photon energy interactions, the study advances our understanding of redshifts and their implications.

Further Exploration:

Refer to the cited references ([1] & [2]) for a deeper dive into the author's proposed framework for photon energy interactions.
Reference [3] explores the concept of dark energy and its role in the structure of galaxy clusters.

This research provides a fresh perspective on light's redshifts, potentially impacting our understanding of gravity, dark energy, and the behaviour of light in the cosmos.