Dimension is a measurable extent of a particular kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.
2. Imperceptible dimensions: all dimensions above the dimensions of space as well as dimension below spatial dimension, these dimensions are not interact able by reality, i.e. anything occupying space or by space itself. Moreover, imperceptible dimensions are conceptual dimensions, not influence-able nor interact-able by reality, as per the mathematical rules of dimensions.
3. Time itself thought to be occupying imperceptible dimension, above spatial dimensions, not interact-able nor influence-able by anything within or by spatial dimensions. Moreover, time is cosmic time, succeeds in irreversible, uniformed succession.
4. Time and space are different in characters, one is concept and the other is real respectively.
The clock represents real time in near approximation and reads by the order of conceptual cosmic time, and the clock and time - these two are different altogether.
#dimensions #space #time