30 July 2023

Question: Lorentz transformation involves mass change but mass cannot be transformed into another form?

Answered by Others: The Lorentz transformation is a mathematical tool that helps understand how physical quantities change under relativistic conditions. It does not involve the direct conversion of mass into another form, such as energy or frequency. The Lorentz transformation deals with the relativistic effects of high velocities.

In the context of the Lorentz transformation, the mass of an object does not change. The concept of "relativistic mass" was introduced in the early days of special relativity to describe how an object's mass appears to change with its velocity. However, this concept has fallen out of favor in modern physics, and the more accepted view is that an object's mass is an invariant quantity, meaning it remains the same regardless of its velocity or the reference frame from which it is observed.

The Lorentz transformation does not involve any change in an object's rest mass. It is a mathematical tool used to understand how physical quantities vary between different inertial reference frames and is consistent with the principles of special relativity. Mass (m) remains an invariant quantity in all inertial reference frames, meaning its value remains the same for all observers, regardless of their relative velocities.

Massless discrete energy (hf) is stored in matter mass (m) without considering wave speed:

Author: Soumendra Nath Thakur ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1871-7803 
Dated 30-July-2023, Country: India.

Summary: Mass and energy are interconnected, but not always. Energy exists without being converted into mass, such as photons. Mass is converted into energy through nuclear reactions, fission, fusion, or radioactive decay. Energy is stored in mass without considering wave speed. Energy conversion units include Joules and electron volts. Small amounts of mass can be converted into energy through fission, fusion, or spontaneous radioactive decay.

Description: Energy exists in massless subatomic particles like photons, but not always vice versa. Electrons absorb photons without mass change. Mass converts into energy through nuclear reactions or radioactive decay. Discrete energy is stored in the mass without nuclear reactions, without considering wave speed. 1 kg m^2/s^2 energy is the derived unit of 1 joule in SI units for mass-energy conversion. The electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy. 1 eV = 1.6 * 10^-19 J. Incredible amounts of energy are converted from small amounts of mass through fission, fusion, and spontaneous radioactive decay. The mass of matter (m) contains discrete energy, similar to the atomic nucleus, electron, and electron energy. 

Conclusion: Therefore, when mass represented by (m), it is equal to (m + Em) or (m + hf) or (m + Ep), representing the cold mass of matter, the discrete energy of the mass, the discrete energy of the photon at its frequency, or the discrete energy corresponding to Planck's constant, respectively.