13 March 2024

A part of a ResearchGate discussion, titled: 'Do events invoke time in space?'

Link of ResearchGate Discussion

When your profound insights into the nature of time and space resonate deeply with my own contemplations, I am pleased to share my rational understanding as the answer to your specific questions.

  1. What is time?: Time, as commonly understood, represents the indefinite progression of existence and events across past, present, and future. It emerges from the occurrence of existential events, highlighting its intrinsic connection to the unfolding of reality.
  2. When does time begin?: Rather than pinpointing the beginning of time, we can focus on the onset of existential events, such as the Big Bang, which marks the earliest known event in the universe. Mathematical explorations hint at a prior noneventful state before the commencement of the universe's eventful journey.
  3. What was there before time began?: This question delves into the concept of the initial singularity predicted by some Big Bang models, representing a state preceding the emergence of time. Mathematical research suggests a noneventful infinite energetic point's oscillation before the initiation of events.
  4. What is space?: Space is defined as a continuous expanse containing the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move. It extends from a common point or origin, reflecting the fundamental scientific understanding of space.
  5. Where does space begin?: According to interpretations of the Big Bang model, physical events, dimensions of space, and the concept of time originate from a dimensionless point at the universe's origin. Ongoing mathematical explorations further elucidate the pre-existence and beginning of the universe.
  6. What was there before the beginning of space?: Space emerges alongside events, suggesting that in a noneventful state, space is unnecessary. Thus, space begins with the onset of events, mirroring the emergence of time.
Your questions have sparked profound reflections on the interconnectedness of events, time, and space, and I am grateful for the opportunity to engage in this dialogue.
Yours sincerely,