03 October 2024

Significance of Planck's constant (h):

Planck's constant is fundamental to quantum mechanics, which describes the behaviour of particles and waves on the atomic scale. It's also essential for understanding how atoms and subatomic particles move, and how quantum mechanics and modern electronics operate.

German physicist Max Planck discovered Planck's constant, represented by the symbol h, in 1900 while studying blackbody radiation. 

Planck was trying to develop a formula to describe how objects emit radiant energy based on their heat. He observed that existing formulas didn't accurately describe the results for all temperatures. To keep his formula accurate, he defined that energy could only be emitted in whole increments of a value. He calculated this increment value from observational data, which became known as Planck's constant.

The value of Planck's constant is 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ Js.

Time Dilation: A Misguided Notion

​Soumendra Nath Thakur

Time dilation is, in my view, a fabricated concept. No scientist can sit before me and convincingly prove that time dilates or that time travel is possible. I refuse to accept such claims, and I would scientifically maintain that any scientist attempting to establish the idea of time dilation is not only intellectually dishonest but also driven by preconceived notions promoting this flawed concept.

Time, in reality, progresses constantly, independent of the varying events that occur within it. The idea that time dilation, where t' > t (proper time), could occur within the proper time scale is impossible—making time dilation inherently immeasurable. If a clock appears to run more slowly compared to a standard clock, this suggests an error in the faulty clock, not evidence of time dilation. The notion of time dilation is nothing more than a "cock and bull story" designed to deceive the average mind.

Those who invoke the name of Albert Einstein to support the concept of time dilation are themselves biased and misguided. I challenge anyone—or anything—to face me in a scientific contest on this matter. I stand ready to expose the flaws in any contest promoting time dilation and welcome any challengers willing to dispute this position.


The Significance of the Planck Length in Quantum Gravity.



To whom it may concern,

The Planck length is highly relevant in the context of quantum gravity, as it represents a fundamental length scale crucial for understanding quantum gravitational effects.

The Planck length, one of the Planck units introduced by Max Planck, plays a pivotal role in theoretical physics. For instance, the speed of light is one Planck length per Planck time.

At this scale, the Planck length serves as a lower bound for the smallest possible length in spacetime. It is theoretically impossible to construct a device capable of measuring lengths smaller than this scale. Moreover, at the Planck scale, gravity's strength is expected to become comparable to other fundamental forces, potentially leading to a unification of all forces.

Additionally, the Planck length may represent the approximate lower limit for the formation of black holes. It is at this scale where quantum gravitational effects become significant, allowing for the measurement of the geometry of space and time.

In conclusion, the Planck length may represent a minimal, fundamental length, thereby completing the set of fundamental scales in nature.

#PlancklScale #PlanckLength #PlanckTime

Piezoelectric and Inverse Piezoelectric Effects on Piezoelectric Crystals: Applications across Diverse Conditions

 ResearchGate.net Publication

Soumendra Nath Thakur


This study explores the piezoelectric and inverse piezoelectric effects on piezoelectric crystals, emphasizing their applications across various conditions. It discusses the fundamental principles governing piezoelectric crystals, including Newton's second law, Hooke's law, and the operation of piezoelectric accelerometers. The piezoelectric effect is highlighted as the mechanism that enables crystals to generate electric charge in response to mechanical stress, which is essential for devices such as sensors and energy harvesters. The inverse piezoelectric effect is also examined, where electric fields induce mechanical deformation, applicable in actuators and sound-generating devices. Additionally, the influence of gravitational forces on enhancing the piezoelectric effect is analysed, particularly in innovative applications such as raindrop harvesting and energy conversion from vibrations. Findings from recent studies illustrate the potential for developing advanced and eco-friendly piezoelectric devices, paving the way for sustainable technologies in diverse fields.

Keywords: Piezoelectric Effect, Inverse Piezoelectric Effect, Accelerometers, Gravitational Force, Energy Harvesting,

Soumendra Nath Thakur
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1871-7803
Tagore’s Electronic Lab, WB, India
Correspondence: postmasterenator@gmail.com

Newton's Second Law and Piezoelectric Accelerometers:

A piezoelectric crystal, like any physical object, adheres to Newton's second law of motion, expressed mathematically as:

F = ma


F is the applied force,
m is the mass, and
a is the acceleration.

In piezoelectric accelerometers, this principle is utilized by attaching a seismic mass to the piezoelectric crystal. When the accelerometer experiences vibrations, the mass remains stationary due to inertia, resulting in the deformation of the piezoelectric crystal—either compressing or stretching. The mechanical stress exerted on the crystal is directly proportional to the input acceleration, as the force acting on the crystal derives from the mass and acceleration influencing it.

Piezoelectric Effect in Accelerometers:

As the crystal deforms due to mechanical stress, it generates an electric charge—a phenomenon known as the piezoelectric effect. The amount of charge generated is proportional to the applied force, which is itself determined by the product of the seismic mass and the input acceleration. Consequently, an increase in either mass or acceleration results in a greater force acting on the crystal, leading to an enhanced electrical output. This unique property makes piezoelectric materials vital in vibration sensors and accelerometers, where they convert mechanical vibrations into electrical signals for accurate measurement and analysis.

Hooke's Law and Elastic Deformation in Piezoelectric Crystals:

Piezoelectric crystals exhibit deformation when subjected to mechanical stress, and within the linear elastic range, this deformation follows Hooke's Law:



F is the applied force,

k is the stiffness (spring constant) of the material, and

x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

This linear response, where the force is directly proportional to displacement, is fundamental to the behaviour of piezoelectric materials. For small mechanical stresses, the crystal’s behaviour remains predictable, and the relationship between stress and deformation is linear. This property is crucial in applications like sensors, actuators, and energy harvesters, where precise coupling between mechanical and electrical phenomena is essential.

Working Principle of Piezoelectric Crystals:

The operation of a piezoelectric crystal relies on its capacity to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. When a mechanical force, such as pressure or vibration, is applied to the crystal, it undergoes deformation, leading to an internal displacement of ions. This displacement generates an electric charge measurable as voltage (electromotive force, or EMF) across the crystal's surfaces. The voltage's magnitude is directly proportional to the applied pressure, allowing the piezoelectric material to efficiently convert mechanical stress into electrical energy. Typically, this electrical output manifests as an alternating current (AC) signal, applicable in various sensing and transducer applications.

Piezoelectric Effect:

The piezoelectric effect refers to the ability of certain dielectric materials to generate surface charges in response to mechanical deformation. In their neutral state, piezoelectric crystals maintain a balance between positive and negative charges. However, when subjected to external forces, this balance is disrupted, causing net charges to emerge on opposite faces of the crystal. This ion displacement results from internal polarization, rendering piezoelectric materials highly effective in converting mechanical stress into electrical output. This characteristic is exploited in numerous applications, including vibration sensors, pressure transducers, and energy harvesters.

Inverse Piezoelectric Effect:

Beyond generating electricity in response to mechanical stress, piezoelectric materials also demonstrate the inverse piezoelectric effect. In this process, applying an external electric field induces mechanical deformation in the crystal. The crystal’s structure alternates between expansion and contraction in response to the electric field, thus converting electrical energy into mechanical motion. This effect is particularly advantageous in applications such as actuators, where electrical signals are harnessed to create precise mechanical movements.

When the frequency of this expansion and contraction falls within the audible range (20 Hz to 20,000 Hz), the resultant mechanical vibrations generate sound waves. This property is utilized in devices such as speakers and ultrasonic transducers, where piezoelectric materials convert electrical energy into sound or ultrasonic waves.

Piezoelectric Effect through Gravitational Force:

The piezoelectric effect is a remarkable phenomenon wherein specific materials generate electricity when subjected to mechanical stress, such as being squeezed, pressed, or bent. Gravitational force, such as the pull of Earth’s gravity, can significantly trigger or enhance this effect across various applications. For example, in piezoelectric accelerometers, when the device moves, gravity acts on a piezoelectric material within, creating an electric charge that indicates the device's acceleration. Similarly, piezoelectric rotational energy harvesters utilize gravitational forces as they spin, resulting in minor deformations in a specially designed component coated with piezoelectric material, thereby generating electrical energy.[1]

An innovative application involves raindrop harvesting, where the impact force of falling raindrops on a piezoelectric surface generates a small amount of electricity, influenced by the design of the surface itself. Moreover, gravity plays a crucial role in shaping and compressing piezoelectric materials into curved or compact forms during heating, enhancing their efficiency for use in sensors, actuators, and energy harvesters. Notably, the piezoelectric effect is reversible; these materials can generate electricity from motion and change shape when an electric current is applied, underscoring their versatility and value in everyday technologies.[2]

A pertinent study titled "Gravity-Induced Structural Deformation for Enhanced Ferroelectric Performance in Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics" by Kim, S. et al., further elucidates this relationship. The researchers discovered that integrating gravity into the heating and shaping processes of specialized ceramic materials significantly enhances their ability to generate electricity when mechanically stressed. This enhancement stems from gravity-induced structural changes that tighten the material's atomic bonds, resulting in improved electricity generation. These findings pave the way for developing better and more eco-friendly piezoelectric devices, including sensors and energy harvesters, thereby promoting sustainable technologies across various fields. [3]


[1] AZoSensors, (2019, August 22). Applications and the working principle of piezoelectric accelerometers, https://www.azosensors.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=309
[2]Galassi, C., Dinescu, M., Uchino, K., & Sayer, M. (2000), Piezoelectric Materials: Advances in science, technology and applications. In Springer eBooks. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-4094-2
[3] Kim, S., Nam, H., Rahman, J. U., & Sapkota, P. (2024). Gravity-induced structural deformation for enhanced ferroelectric performance in lead-free piezoelectric ceramics, Scripta Materialia, 244, 116021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scriptamat.2024.116021

#PiezoelectricEffect, #InversePiezoelectricEffect, #Accelerometers, #GravitationalForce, #EnergyHarvesting,