23 September 2024

5. Can the negative effective mass concept be applied to explain specific astrophysical phenomena, such as galaxy rotation curves or gravitational lensing?

The concept of negative effective mass within the extended classical mechanics framework offers a novel approach to explaining specific astrophysical phenomena, such as galaxy rotation curves and gravitational lensing. Traditional models, including dark matter theories, often rely on the presence of unseen mass to account for the anomalous rotation speeds of galaxies and the bending of light around massive objects. In contrast, the negative effective mass concept attributes these effects to momentum exchanges and the dynamic interactions of gravitational fields, rather than purely intrinsic spacetime curvature.

For galaxy rotation curves, the effective mass acts as a counterbalancing influence that modifies the observed rotational dynamics without requiring vast amounts of unseen matter. This approach aligns with observed deviations in rotation velocities and provides an alternative explanation for the flat rotation curves seen in galaxies, suggesting that gravitational dynamics are influenced by both the visible and effective mass components.

In the case of gravitational lensing, the bending of photon paths is understood as a result of direct momentum exchange between photons and gravitational fields rather than being purely a manifestation of spacetime curvature. This framework maintains that photons experience changes in momentum and wavelength due to gravitational interactions, preserving their intrinsic energy. The negative effective mass plays a crucial role in this interaction, influencing the observed lensing effect without necessitating a separate dark matter explanation.

Overall, the negative effective mass concept challenges conventional gravitational theories by offering a dynamic, interaction-based perspective on astrophysical phenomena, potentially reshaping our understanding of mass, gravity, and the cosmos.

The phase shift in the oscillation frequency can be used to calculate the magnitude of this time distortion using the following formula:

• For a 1° phase shift: T(deg) = (1/f)/360 = Δt or,

• For an x° phase shift: Δt = x(1/360f₀)


1. Thakur, S. N. (2024c). Extended Classical Mechanics: Vol-1 - Equivalence Principle, Mass and Gravitational Dynamics. Preprints.org (MDPI). https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202409.1190.v2
2. Thakur, S. N. (2024). Direct Influence of Gravitational Field on Object Motion invalidates Spacetime Distortion. Qeios (ResearchGate). https://doi.org/10.32388/bfmiau
3. Thakur, S. N. (2023). Photon paths bend due to momentum exchange, not intrinsic spacetime curvature. Definitions. https://doi.org/10.32388/81iiae
4. Thakur, S. N., Samal, P., & Bhattacharjee, D. (2023b). Relativistic effects on phaseshift in frequencies invalidate time dilation II. TechRxiv (ResearchGate). https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.22492066.v2
5. Thakur, S. N., & Bhattacharjee, D. (2023). Phase Shift and Infinitesimal Wave Energy Loss Equations. Preprints.Org (MDPI). https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202309.1831.v1


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