23 September 2024

7. How does extended classical mechanics predict the behavior of gravitational waves in the context of binary black hole mergers?

Extended classical mechanics offers an alternative framework for understanding the behaviour of gravitational waves, particularly in the context of binary black hole mergers, by focusing on the dynamic interactions of mass and energy rather than relying on spacetime curvature as described by general relativity.

Key Predictions and Insights:

Gravitational Waves as Momentum Exchange: Extended classical mechanics views gravitational waves not as ripples in spacetime but as manifestations of momentum and energy exchanges between massive bodies. In binary black hole mergers, these waves represent the oscillatory exchange of kinetic and potential energy between the interacting masses. This perspective shifts the focus from spacetime distortion to direct interactions governed by the dynamics of the merging bodies.

Effective Mass and Wave Generation:

The theory introduces the concept of effective mass, including both ordinary and apparent (negative) mass components, which influence the generation of gravitational waves. During a merger, the fluctuating effective mass and associated energy dynamics produce waves that propagate as energy disturbances. These waves encode information about the mass distribution, energy exchange rates, and dynamic forces within the merging system.

Amplitude and Frequency Characteristics:

Unlike general relativity, which ties gravitational wave properties directly to spacetime curvature changes, extended classical mechanics predicts that the amplitude and frequency of gravitational waves are closely related to the variations in effective mass and momentum transfer during the merger. As the black holes spiral inward, the increasing rate of energy exchange intensifies the wave amplitude and frequency, culminating in a peak at the point of coalescence.

Energy Conservation in Mergers:

The framework emphasizes conservation laws where the total energy—kinetic and potential—remains consistent even as gravitational waves carry energy away from the system. The merger does not violate energy conservation principles but redistributes energy between the black holes and the emitted gravitational waves, ensuring that total system energy, including radiated waves, aligns with the mechanics of interaction rather than spacetime deformation.

Avoidance of Singularities:

Extended classical mechanics inherently avoids singularity issues by not requiring infinite densities or curvatures. The predicted behaviour of gravitational waves during black hole mergers reflects continuous energy dynamics without the need for spacetime to reach undefined states. This smooth transition in wave production offers a more physically intuitive picture of the merger process.

Implications for Detection:

Gravitational waves detected from binary black hole mergers would still align with the observational data but would be interpreted as energy flows rather than spacetime disturbances. The phase and amplitude evolution of these waves, as observed by detectors like LIGO and Virgo, would still provide insights into the mass, spin, and dynamics of the merging black holes, but through the lens of direct force interactions.


In the context of binary black hole mergers, extended classical mechanics predicts that gravitational waves are the result of dynamic energy exchanges between interacting masses rather than distortions of spacetime. This approach provides a consistent and alternative interpretation of wave generation, emphasizing momentum transfer and energy conservation, and aligns well with observational evidence without requiring the complex geometrical constructs of general relativity.


1. Thakur, S. N. (2024c). Extended Classical Mechanics: Vol-1 - Equivalence Principle, Mass and Gravitational Dynamics. Preprints.org (MDPI). https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202409.1190.v2

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