02 July 2021

Time Dilation - Relative time Vs. Absolute time

Time dilation is the phenomenon of time passing slower for an observer who is moving relative to another observer, the faster one travels the slower he experiences time.

Now considering an experiment that used two identical crystal oscillator electronic clocks, set exactly to the same time, one clock stayed on Earth, while the other flew in an airplane. The crystal oscillators has much better frequency stability, such oscillator circuits sustain oscillation by taking voltage signal from the quartz resonators. 

We know that a photon represents a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation and its energy is directly proportional to its frequency - this equation is known as the Planck-Einstein relation, whereas the energy of a photon is given by the equation E=hv, where v=frequency (Hz) and h=6.62607554 x 10^-34 J·s (the best current value). Moreover, in general relativity Gravitational red-shift (also known as Einstein shift), is the phenomenon in which electromagnetic waves or photons travelling out of a gravitational well will lose energy resulting the photon's longer wavelength, affecting by gravity.

Similarly, gravity will apply a mechanical stress to the crystal by affecting its frequency - hence longer wavelength, so the clock on the fast moving airplane will be slightly behind the clock on the ground. Such difference in the elapsed time is due to the mechanical stress to the crystal causing a relative time, and not absolute time, is what time actually is, ticking at a constant rate for the entire universe and everything in it.

If the mechanical stress to the crystal (which is not due to the own reason of time rather affected by gravity) is corrected then the clock on the fast moving airplane too will be exactly as per the clock on the ground.

Note: What actually happened in the experiment as can be seen in the relationship λ∝T. The experiment actually considered dilated wavelength and not dilated time. If the experiment is considered that it observed dilation of time then it will violate fundamental properties of time. It rather miscalculated T instead of λ, because by appropriately changing either of the value of λ or even the value of T, one will get same result. But the illegality would be considering T as gravity affected factor instead of appropriately considering λ as the gravity affecting factor. A λ can be influence by gravity and change its wavelength but none can change T with the effect of  gravity as time is not something changeable by any external influence or interaction unless such changes is in the structure of the events itself, then only time comes into a relative consideration with the changeable events. Time does not participate in any eventual act rather time tracks changes in the events. So a question of changing time is not only absurd but is illegal too as per valid definition and properties of time. Time dilation necessarily needs to be wavelength dilation, when λ∝T comes in to the consideration.

#AbsoluteTime #AbstractMathematics #AbstractScience #EnergyFrequency #EnergyFrequencyInteraction #EnergyGravityInteraction #EnergyMass #Frequency #FrequencyGravityInteraction #GeneralRelativity #GravitationalRedShift #Gravity #Mass #MassGravityInteraction #MechanicalStress #OriginPoint #PlankEquation #PlanksEquation #Reality #Redshift #RelativeTime #Space #SpecialRelativity #Time #TimeDilation #Wavelength #WavelengthDilation

30 June 2021

A black hole devouring a neutron star: - The first ever collision detected.

The US Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (Ligo) detected the first collision, dubbed GW200105, on January 5, 2020, and the wave suggested that a neutron star bigger than our Sun had been sucked in by a black hole. The black hole had a mass equal to that of nine suns.

  • Gravitational waves are 'ripples' in space caused by some of the most violent and energetic processes in the Universe. These cosmic ripples would travel at the speed of light, carrying with them information about their origins, as well as clues to the nature of gravity itself. The speed, wavelength, and frequency of a gravitational wave are related by the equation c = λ f, just like the equation for a light wave. The frequencies of gravitational wave are much lower than those of the electromagnetic spectrum, less than a hertz to a few thousand hertz at most and have much larger wavelengths – ranging from hundreds of kilometres to potentially the span of the Universe, but surprisingly they travel at the speed of light.  Gravitational waves appear as 'ripples' of low frequency space waves, ranging between a fractions of a Hertz to a few Kilo Hertz, unusually travelling at the speed of electromagnetic waves, obviously due to its medium is space. It also appears that for a 150,000 Kilometre (Km) wavelength of a Gravitational wave, its frequency would be just a little less than 2 Hertz (Hz). 

  • A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a point. This can happen when a massive star dies. A black hole forms when the centre of a very massive star collapses in upon itself. Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes. They are invisible.
  • Neutron stars are dead stars that are incredibly dense. A teaspoonful of material from a neutron star is estimated to weigh around four billion tonnes. Both objects are cosmological monsters, but black holes are considerably more massive than neutron stars. Since neutron stars are dead stars and incredibly dense, when a black hole engulfs a neutron star, the collision creates ripples in the fabric of space called gravitational waves.
  • For sound waves in air, the speed of sound is 343 m/s (no comparison with C). The wavelengths of sound frequencies audible to the human ear (20 Hz–20 kHz) are thus between approximately 17 m and 17 mm respectively. However, radio waves travel at the speed of 299,792,458 m/s in space.

    • It appears that for a just 100 Hertz (Hz) frequency of a sound wave (unmodulated), its wavelength would be 3.43 Metre (m) and its speed would be 343 m/s on Air at 20°C.
    • It also appears that for a just 100 Hertz (Hz) frequency of a Gravitational wave, its wavelength would be 2,998 Kilometre (Km) and its speed would be 299,792,458 m/s in space.
    • It appears that only the waves those can also travel in space travels at C (f.λ = C).

#neutronstar #blackhole #GravitationalWaves

Healing mechanism of the body:


The immune system plays a crucial role in the process of wound healing.
Healing must happen by repair in the case of injury to cells that are unable to regenerate (e.g. neurons). Also, damage to the collagen network (e.g. by enzymes or physical destruction), or its total collapse (as can happen in an infarct) cause healing to take place by repair.
If you break a bone, your body immediately begins producing new cells to heal the damage. When your skin is cut, platelets in your blood clot to stop the bleeding, white blood cells remove the dead, injured cells and new healthy cells repair the damaged tissue.
When the skin is injured, our body sets into motion an automatic series of events, often referred to as the “cascade of healing,” in order to repair the injured tissues. The cascade of healing is divided into these four overlapping phases: Hemostasis, Inflammatory, Proliferative, and Maturation.
Teeth are the ONLY body part that cannot repair themselves. Repairing means either regrowing what was lost or replacing it with scar tissue. Our teeth cannot do that. Our brain for example will not regrow damaged brain cells but can repair an area by laying down other scar-type tissue .
Heal Naturally
Sleep. The health benefits of sleep are well established, however, we frequently “get by” on very little sleep.
Drink More Water. When your body does not get enough water, it enters a state of dehydration which can lead to slower healing and increased fatigue.
Eat Nutrient Dense Foods. ...
Be Positive. ...
Exercise Routinely.
Dated: 29th June 2021

16 May 2021

Energy prior to the formation of the Universe and my interpretation - A Summery:

Frequency is related to energy (E) as in the Planck's equation E=hv, where v=frequency (Hz) and h=6.626 070 15 x 10-34 J Hz-1 represents relationship between energy and frequency, where 'h' is plank’s constant. And, energy 'E' is equivalent to mass 'm' as in the Einstein's theory of special relativity E=mc². 

Therefore, combining these above two equations we get energy-mass (m) is related to frequency of the wave the energy-mass ('f' in Hz or 'v' s–1 in Hz).

  • frequency 'f' or 'v' of the wave is inversely proportional to the wavelength λ (Lambda), whereas, 'c' and 'h' both are constant in respective equations relevant. --> 'f'∝1/λ or, 'v'1/λ

  • 'f' or 'v' of the wave too is inversely proportional to time period 'T' s (second). --> 'f'∝1/T or, 'v'∝1/T

The derived equation from the combination of the above said equations, the frequency (v;f) of mass-energy if somehow gets changed due to the effect of relative gravity or relative speed, then the wavelength (λ) of that mass-energy would also change. 

So this would be the main consideration in the following steps.

  • The wavelength (λ) of that mass-energy  is directly proportional to the time period (T) of the wave. --> λT

In the experiments, it is observed that the time interval for 1° of phase is inversely proportional to the frequency. If the frequency of a wave is given by ‘f’, then the time tdeg (in seconds) corresponding to 1° of phase is

  • tdeg = 1 / (360f) = T / 360.

Therefore, a 1° phase shift on a 5 MHz wave corresponds to a time shift of 555 picoseconds.

  • The maximum frequency of visible light (f)=7.5 x 1014 Hz, its wavelength (λ) = 400 manometer, and its velocity v=c=3 x 1010 cm/s.  Einstein's theory of special relativity sets the absolute speed limit at which a wave can travel, which is the speed of light (c) is equal to 3 x 1010 cm/s. 

  • The maximum frequency of Gamma-rays (f) = 1024 Hz, its wavelength (λ) = <10-12 (i.e., <0.01 nanometres), and its velocity  too (v) = 3 x 1010 cm/s.  

However, when the frequency (f) of any wave reach infinite (∞), its wavelength must be zero i.e., λ = 0. If wavelength is zero, then as per the scientific understanding, it can't be a wave, as it refers that the wave has no spatial time period or, it is stable at all times.

Similarly, a singularity where gravity approach infinity, space and time cease to exist and current laws of physics cannot be applied. A no-dimensional singularity is considered to be a point form. So a question may arise, "how is it possible that the interaction of no-dimensional singularity occupy anything in three-dimensional space? (E.g. block-hole). Are no-dimensional black holes part of the 3-dimensional Universe?

Moreover, in real sense,  a simple mathematical representation of energy (E) would not be possible in that condition, as there is no event or time, absence of light due to absence of stars, even then; energy suddenly can't go vanished but most likely it converted in some other form of energy and behave like vibration - as  in the Planck's equation energy (E) is related to frequency.

Whereas, time (t) is indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future, in irreversible progression. It is regarded as an abstract concept, there is increasing evidence that time is conceptualized in the mind in terms of space. That is, instead of thinking about time in a general, abstract way, humans think about time in a spatial way and mentally organize it as such. Using space to think about time allows humans to mentally organize temporal events in a specific way. Therefore, for the time to exist not only existence, either in the form of energy or matter, is necessary, but both existence and events are necessary, as any existence without events, hence without time, would have no real meaning. In absence of time, Planck's equation and the equation of Einstein's theory of special relativity would cease to apply.

Rationally speaking, space too would cease to exist in absence of events, time and also light, moreover, the abstract nature of mathematics very likely to hints us that the energy (E), as in Planck's equation E=hν, likely to prevail as very high vibration frequency, that too without events, time, space and light. A singularity - where gravity approach infinity, space and time cease to exist and current laws of physics cannot be applied.

How energy behaves and what happens to it's frequency in such condition - a mathematical abstraction would probably hints us to conceptualize that frequency of such energy might have achieved infinite value, with the wavelength and it's dimension zero (0), known laws of physics would cease to operate in such condition but we can always conceptualize it though mathematical abstraction.

Note on Time Dilation: What actually happened in the experiment as can be seen in the relationship λ∝T. The experiment actually considered dilated wavelength and not dilated time. If the experiment is considered that it observed dilation of time then it will violate fundamental properties of time. It rather miscalculated T instead of λ, because by appropriately changing either of the value of λ or even the value of T, one will get same result. But the illegality would be considering T as gravity affected factor instead of appropriately considering λ as the gravity affecting factor. A λ can be influence by gravity and change its wavelength but none can change T with the effect of gravity as time is not something changeable by any external influence or interaction unless such changes is in the structure of the events itself, then only time comes into a relative consideration with the changeable events. Time does not participate in any eventual act rather time tracks changes in the events. So a question of changing time is not only absurd but is illegal too as per valid definition and properties of time. Time dilation necessarily needs to be wavelength dilation, when λ∝T comes in to the consideration.

#AbsoluteTime #AbstractMathematics #AbstractScience #EnergyFrequency #EnergyFrequencyInteraction #EnergyGravityInteraction #EnergyMass #Frequency #FrequencyGravityInteraction #GeneralRelativity #GravitationalRedShift #Gravity #Mass #MassGravityInteraction #MechanicalStress #OriginPoint #PlankEquation #PlanksEquation #Reality #Redshift #RelativeTime #Space #SpecialRelativity #Time #TimeDilation #Wavelength #WavelengthDilation