02 September 2021

Law of Vibration :

Law of Vibration states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in it's purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.

Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates. You and me vibrate within.  At the most fundamental level, the Universe and everything which comprises it is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways.

The Universe has no 'solidity,' as such. Matter is merely energy in a state of vibration.
Energy, as it seems, behaves differently in different dimensions, fundamentally energy appears to be more of vibration or waves, the primordial energy that might have existed before the Big Bang probably did not have events occurring in it so there was no time and space - those we know - were not present then, because time to exists requires existence and events both, we human being and this universe - we know - are three in dimensions, said primordial energy was not in three dimensional, and any energy in more than three dimensions might behave differently, so the answer is "yes", to your question, different form of energy can exist in different dimensions.
Propagation of radio wave for spatial communications
Propagation of wave, Frequency (f), f=1/t, f=c/ λ , wave, signal, vibration, oscillation, to and fro, back and forth, swing, shake, ripple, tide, stir, period, hertz (hz), propagation, p, power density, watt per square metre (W/m²), p, p∞(1/r²), radio, electromagnetic, audio, light, video, current (I), time (t, T), velocity (v), Wavelength (λ), Λ , L, lambda, λ=v/f, f=c/ λ. Amplitude (A), angular distance, peak, A= A sin (ω[t-K)+b, equilibrium, Ω, ω, dB, decibel, mill watt, skip zone, transmission, ionosphere, modulation, demodulation, carrier, ground wave, sky wave, radio wave, telecommunication.
A radio wave is an electromagnetic wave of a frequency between about 10^4 and 10¹¹ or 10¹² Hz, as used for long-distance communication, generated by a transmitter and then detected by a receiver. An antenna allows a radio transmitter to send energy into space and a receiver to pick up energy from space. Transmitters and receivers are typically designed to operate over a limited range of frequencies. 
The basic building block of radio communications is a radio wave. Like waves on a pond, a radio wave is a series of simultaneous periodic variations of electric and magnetic field intensity. The entire pattern of a wave, before it repeats itself, is called a cycle. The wavelength is the distance a wave takes to complete one cycle. The number of cycles, or times that a wave repeats in a second, is called frequency. Frequency is measured in the unit hertz (Hz), referring to a number of cycles per second. One thousand hertz is referred to as a kilohertz (KHz), 1 million hertz as a megahertz (MHz), and 1 billion hertz as a gigahertz (GHz). The range of the radio spectrum is considered to be 3 kilohertz up to 300 gigahertz.
However the existence is pure vibration. So energy, matter - inorganic and organic, all are source of vibration. Even cosmic dust and humans are originally vibration formed in a definite state.
The energy of each photon is inversely proportional to the wavelength of the associated EM wave.
The vibrational Universe. (f Hz.):
Max Planck shown us that the energy equivalents frequency E∝v (nu), (f) in the year 1900, which, according to me, is mightier than any other post laws established during twentieth century.
Planck said in 1944, "as a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much:
There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together... "
Planck's equation E∝f can be applied anywhere in the Universe and even when there is no matter but only energy, (e.g. during the beginning of the Universe where there was no matter) Planck's equation is applied there too. 
But relativity cannot be applied there. Only strings can precede Planck's frequency. 
As in string theory, there are no elementary particles (like electrons or quarks), but pieces of vibrating strings. Each vibration mode corresponds to a different particle and determines its charge and its mass.The consequences of replacing point like particles by vibrating microscopic strings are enormous.
All about vibrations and signals:
1. Our body, actually, a community of fifteen trillion energy waves known as cells. 
2. All organisms communicate by energy waves, vibration or signals. 
3. We are, actually, interacting waves. 
4. Your thoughts are not contained in your head but around your head outside.
5.You are, actually, broadcasting thoughts. 
6. Your mind is the central voice and organism is the energy waves known as cells. 
7. Functions of the brain is the representation of signals (energy waves) created in mind (central voice).
Interpretation: Space is the playground of vibration, where events take place in timescale. - 13.07.2019
Interpretation: Particles in sub-atomic level cannot have a concrete structure, rather sub-atomic particles are results of vibrations, the entire universe is a product of vibrations. Vibration is existence, time become relevant only; when there is event in that existence.
The vibration of a system involves the alternating transfer of energy between its potential and kinetic forms. Vibratory systems comprise means for storing potential energy (spring), means for storing kinetic energy (mass or inertia), and means by which the energy is gradually lost (damped). In a damped system, some energy is dissipated at each cycle of vibration and must be replaced from an external source if a steady vibration is to be maintained.
The cause of our existence is vibration. If you want to find the secrets of the universe, we have to think in terms of energy - frequency and vibration. So, if we want to understand the nature and evolution of this universe, then we need to understand the fundamental basis of the existence of matter. Necessarily the world is made of matter, but we generally do not focus our attention to the fundamental basis of working of this material world. How the material world was formed. To understand this we need to study the energy code, which is essentially made of frequency or vibration at the fundamental level, all forms of this code are the same.
The universe was born as an unimaginably hot, dense point. In a tiny fraction of a second, it experienced an incredible burst of expansion known as inflation, in which space itself expanded faster than the speed of light. During this period, the universe increased in size going from a subatomic-sized to golf-ball-sized almost instantaneously. As space expanded, the universe cooled and matter formed. One second after the universe was filled with neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons, photons and neutrinos.
During the first three minutes of the universe, the light elements were born.. Temperatures cooled unimaginably, and protons and neutrons collided to make deuterium. Most of the deuterium combined to make helium, and trace amounts of lithium were also generated.
Within the first 380,000 years, the universe was essentially too hot for light to shine. The heat of formation smashed atoms together with enough force to break them up into dense plasma, an opaque soup of protons, neutrons and electrons that scattered light like fog.
After 380,000 years, matter cooled enough to form atoms, resulting transparent, electrically neutral gas. However, after this point, the universe was plunged into darkness, since no stars or any other bright objects had formed then.
After 400 million years, the universe began to emerge from the cosmic dark ages through re-ionization, clumps of gas collapsed enough to form the first stars and galaxies, whose energetic ultraviolet light ionized and destroyed most of the neutral hydrogen.
This is how the material in the universe was formed from vibration to energy to matter and then us.
So I answered, "it is questioning like why 1+1=2? such laws are in abstract form, (more like our consciousness) no reasons are necessary for the laws of nature as they can crop up spontaneously in existence, existences likely driven by said laws of nature, and existence is vibration - it is there for the same said laws of nature, existence can reside even if there is no time, or events not occurring - a state called singularity."
Our state of mind equates to our vibratory frequency, which is what forms our perception of the material world. By changing our state of mind, we literally change the nature of the material world that we exist in as a part of, both in terms of our physical body and the outer reality we live in. Different 'states' as vibratory frequencies form different levels of reality as a interlaced parallel dimensions that move us along a scale from lower to higher forms of reality and existence.
Prior to the formation of the Universe - my interpretation.
A Summery:
Frequency is related to energy (E) as in the Planck's equation E=hν. And, mass is related to energy (E) as in the Einstein's theory of special relativity E=mc². 
Therefore, combining these above two equations we get, mass (m) is related to frequency. And since f = c/λ or, c = λf, wavelength λ (Lambda) is inversely proportional to frequency (f) of the wave; whereas (c) is universal constant. 
But (c) is applicable where there is existence of light, in absence of light, the universal constant (c) simply becomes irrelevant, so what would happen to the energy (E), and, frequency of such energy, or even the wavelength (λ) of that? 
This would be the moot question. 
Through the known equations in physics, mass (m), as in the Einstein's theory of special relativity E=mc², energy (E) is related to frequency as in the Planck's equation E=hν. However, in absence of light, the universal constant (c) becomes irrelevant. 
λ = v/f, considering velocity (v) at the speed of light (c), f= c/λ. 
When v = 3 x 10^10 cm/s. Whereas, the maximum frequency of visible light (f) = 7.5*10^14 Hz, its wavelength (λ) = 400 nm, and its velocity v = c = 3 x 10^10 cm/s. 
The maximum frequency of Gamma-rays (f) = 10^24 Hz, its wavelength (λ) = <10^-12 m (i.e., <0.01 nano metres), and its velocity too (v) = 3 x 10^10 cm/s. Einstein's theory of special relativity sets the absolute speed limit at which a wave can travel, which is the speed of light (c) is equal to 3 x 10^10 cm/s. 
However, when the frequency (f) of any wave reach infinite (∞), its wavelength must be zero i.e., λ = 0. If wavelength is zero, then as per the scientific understanding, it can't be a wave, as it refers that the wave has no spatial time period or, it is stable at all times. 
Similarly, a singularity where gravity approach infinity, space and time cease to exist and current laws of physics cannot be applied. A no-dimensional singularity is considered to be a point form. So a question may arise, "how is it possible that the interaction of no-dimensional singularity occupy anything in three-dimensional space? (E.g. block-hole). Are no-dimensional black holes part of the 3-dimensional Universe?
Moreover, in real sense, a simple mathematical representation of energy (E) would not be possible in that condition, as there is no event or time, absence of light due to absence of stars, even then; energy suddenly can't go vanished but most likely it converted in some other form of energy and behave like vibration - as in the Planck's equation energy (E) is related to frequency. 
Whereas, time (t) is indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future, in irreversible progression. It is regarded as an abstract concept, there is increasing evidence that time is conceptualized in the mind in terms of space. That is, instead of thinking about time in a general, abstract way, humans think about time in a spatial way and mentally organize it as such. Using space to think about time allows humans to mentally organize temporal events in a specific way. Therefore, for the time to exist not only existence, either in the form of energy or matter, is necessary, but both existence and events are necessary, as any existence without events, hence without time, would have no real meaning. In absence of time, Planck's equation and the equation of Einstein's theory of special relativity would cease to apply. 
Rationally speaking, space too would cease to exist in absence of events, time and also light, moreover, the abstract nature of mathematics very likely to hints us that the energy (E), as in Planck's equation E=hν, likely to prevail as very high vibration frequency, that too without events, time, space and light. A singularity - where gravity approach infinity, space and time cease to exist and current laws of physics cannot be applied.
How energy behaves and what happens to it's frequency in such condition - a mathematical abstraction would probably hints us to conceptualize that frequency of such energy might have achieved infinite value, with the wavelength and it's dimension zero (0), known laws of physics would cease to operate in such condition but we can always conceptualize it though mathematical abstraction.
Types of Waves: (Idea on these required to understand the first vibration at the big bang and formation of space)
• Sine waves
• Square and rectangular waves
• Triangle and sawtooth waves
• Step and pulse shapes
Sine waves:
The sine wave is the fundamental wave shape for several reasons. It has harmonious mathematical properties - the same sine shape as in trigonometry. Test signals produced by the oscillator circuit of a signal generator are often sine waves. Most AC power sources produce sine waves.
Square and rectangular waves:
The square wave is another common wave shape. Basically, a square wave is a voltage that turns on and off (or goes high and low) at regular intervals.
The rectangular wave is like the square wave except that the high and low time intervals are not of equal length.
Triangle and sawtooth waves:
Sawtooth and Triangle waves result from circuits designed to control voltages linearly. The transitions between voltage levels of these waves change at a constant rate. These transitions are called ramps.
Step and pulse shapes
Signals such as steps and pulses that only occur once are called single-shot or transient signals. The step indicates a sudden change in voltage. The pulse indicates what you would see if you turned a power switch on and then off again. It might represent a glitch (a defect) in a circuit. A collection of pulses travelling together creates a pulse train.
Fundamental particles....
are the manifestations of the vibration of extremely small regions of space, various modes of these vibrations giving rise to all the known fermions and bosons.
There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration - Max Planck.
(Max Planck said this in 1944 - few years before his death, while he found it earlier in 1900)
The frequency of vibration of our universe: (2.2963 x 10^-18 Hz.)
The 'Hubble's constant' is actually the "frequency" of the universe or 1/time.
That is to say, 1 / (projected 'age' of our universe or 4.3547 x 10^17 seconds) gives us a universe that vibrates at a "frequency" of 2.2963 x 10^-18 Hz.
It is evident that the ultimate form of existential energy in its pure form is nothing but vibrations, spatial expansion lessen it's density and also cools it down to form particles and matters. So pure form of energy is actually vibration. 
Thermal Energy is heat, the energy that comes from the movement of atoms and molecules in a substance. Heat increases when these particles move faster. And movement of atoms and molecules represents vibration.
Energy has it's two basic forms:
1. Potential energy and,
2. Kinetic energy.
Type of Potential energy –
• Chemical,
• Mechanical,
• Nuclear,
• Gravitational.
• Type of Kinetic energy –
• Radiant,
• Thermal, (This is your only point)
• Motion,
• Sound,
• Electrical
Now my comment is that, all these energies can be represented by the letter 'E'.
E ∝ f (when constant h = 6.62607015×10^−34 J⋅Hz^−1)
Note: The Planck scale is an energy scale around 1.22×10^19 GeV at which quantum effects of gravity become strong. At this scale, present descriptions and theories of sub-atomic particle interactions in terms of quantum field theory break down and become inadequate.
The Law of vibration states that anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in its purest and most basic form consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern.
Therefore, the subatomic particles are manifestation of vibration, those are, as for example, quarks, leptons, where quarks confined in protons, neutrons and other hadrons, and electrons are also subatomic particles. All these subatomic particles are manifestation of vibrations.
"energy is strength for activity and provides light, heat, or work done, vibration is oscillation of an electromagnetic wave or oscillation of anything whose equilibrium has been disturbed.
an atom contains subatomic particles, atom is required to form matter, so everything is made up of atoms and atoms are constantly in a state of motion, the energy required to split a nucleus of an atom is known as atomic energy, the energy carried by atoms as nuclear binding energy,
a splitted atom releases subatomic particle, however, subatomic particles do not form matter but they are pure energy, everything in our universe is energy, so the universe is in an ocean of energy,
therefore nothing is completely at rest, everything is constantly vibrating at some frequency, energy is strength for activity, it is oscillation of anything whose equilibrium has been disturbed."
It is oscillation of anything whose equilibrium has been disturbed, vibration and resonance are different in meaning and sense, rather vibration is oscillation of an electromagnetic wave or oscillation of anything whose equilibrium has been disturbed. and resonance is the reinforcement by the synchronous vibration of a neighbouring object including a subatomic particle. However, light is produced when the electrons in the atoms vibrate at certain resonant frequencies, alternatively when light waves resonate with an object, they cause the electrons to vibrate with high amplitudes due to in resonance. different resonant frequencies produce different spectrum of light, the sun light is white light and it contains resonant frequencies of the primary colours respectively.
As in string theory, there are no elementary particles (like electrons or quarks), but pieces of vibrating strings. Each vibration mode corresponds to a different particle and determines its charge and its mass. The consequences of replacing point like particles by vibrating microscopic strings are enormous.
Energy, in its primordial form, converted itself from nothing. It is all about vibration of a point of nothing and dimensions!