29 September 2024

Interrelation of Planck length, Schwarzschild radius and Compton wavelength on the Planck scale:

Soumendra Nath Thakur

This section delves into the profound relationship between the Planck length, Schwarzschild radius, and Compton wavelength at the Planck scale, emphasizing their convergence in the context of quantum gravity. It elucidates how a black hole's Schwarzschild radius, derived from its mass, becomes comparable to the Planck length when the mass is equivalent to the Planck mass. The discussion also encompasses the Compton wavelength of particles, particularly photons, which, despite having no rest mass, can be related to their energy. This interconnection suggests that at extremely small scales, traditional boundaries between quantum mechanics and gravity blur, indicating a deep link between matter, energy, and spacetime.

Quantum Gravity's Implications
The convergence of these concepts at the Planck scale implies that our current understanding of physics may need to adapt. The merging of quantum mechanics and general relativity suggests that at this scale, spacetime may not behave in the classical sense, leading to new physics where the effects of both theories are equally significant. This could provide insights into phenomena like black hole thermodynamics and the nature of singularities, offering a potential path toward a unified theory of quantum gravity.

Distinction Between Rest Mass and Energy-Based Mass
It’s crucial to differentiate between rest mass (invariant mass) and energy-based mass, especially in the context of quantum mechanics and relativity. Rest mass is the mass of an object measured when it is at rest relative to the observer and is a fundamental property of particles. In contrast, energy-based mass refers to the concept that mass can be derived from energy through Einstein's equation E = mc². In high-energy physics, particularly for massless particles like photons, their effective mass can be interpreted from their energy, given by E=hc/λ. Thus, while rest mass remains constant, energy-based mass can vary based on the particle's energy, leading to different implications in gravitational and quantum contexts.

The Planck length (ℓP) is the Schwarzschild radius (Rg) of a black hole with energy (E) equal to the Compton wavelength (λ) of a photon (hc/λ):

The relationship can be expressed as:

ℓP = Rg = λ 

where: The energy (E) of a black hole with Schwarzschild radius (Rg) is equal to the energy of a photon (hc/λ) with Compton wavelength (λ).

This statement ties together three significant concepts—Planck length, Schwarzschild radius, and Compton wavelength—by demonstrating how they converge in an interesting way when examining extremely small scales, specifically the Planck scale.

This can be explained through the following steps:

Black Hole’s Schwarzschild Radius at the Planck Scale:
The Schwarzschild radius (Rg) of a black hole is determined by its mass. At extremely small mass scales, particularly when the mass is equivalent to the Planck mass, the Schwarzschild radius becomes comparable to the Planck length (ℓP). In other words, a black hole with a mass equal to the Planck mass (mP) would have an event horizon radius approximately equal to the Planck length.


Rg = 2G·mP/c² ≈ ℓP
This is a fundamental length at which quantum gravitational effects are expected to become significant, meaning that general relativity and quantum mechanics both play critical roles.

Compton Wavelength, Photon Energy, and Planck Mass Relationship:

The Compton wavelength of a particle (with rest mass denoted by m) is inversely related to the mass of the particle: as the mass increases, its Compton wavelength decreases. For photons, which have no rest mass (m=0), the Compton wavelength is determined by their energy. In this context, the Compton wavelength is represented as λ = h/mc, which simplifies to λ = h/E when considering photons.

For a photon, the energy associated with the Compton wavelength can be expressed as:

E = hc/λ

This relationship shows that the energy of a photon is inversely proportional to its Compton wavelength. As the wavelength increases, the energy decreases, highlighting the fundamental connection between wavelength and energy in the context of quantum mechanics.

If we associate this photon energy with the energy of a black hole (i.e., the rest energy of a black hole with Planck mass mP), the wavelength of the photon becomes directly comparable to the Planck length.

The Planck mass is the minimum mass of a classical object (M) that corresponds to its Schwarzschild radius (Rg). The Planck mass (mP) is approximately 21.76 micrograms (µg). It's defined by an equation that uses the speed of light (c), reduced Planck's constant (ℏ), and the gravitational constant (G).  

Linking the Two—Photon and Black Hole:

The statement says that at the Planck scale, a photon with the same energy as the rest mass energy of a Planck mass black hole will have a wavelength equal to the Schwarzschild radius of that black hole.


ℓP = Rg = λ 

This means that the photon’s wavelength and the black hole’s event horizon are equal in size at this extreme quantum limit, where the energy of the photon corresponds to the energy required to form a black hole with a radius equal to the Planck length.


Quantum Gravity Intersection:
This is a profound realization because it implies that at such small scales (the Planck scale), there is a deep connection between quantum mechanics and gravity. The Schwarzschild radius (typically a classical gravitational concept) and the Compton wavelength (a quantum mechanical concept) are equal at this scale. This suggests that the traditional divide between quantum mechanics and general relativity might blur at these extreme conditions.

Planck Mass and Photon’s Energy:
The Planck mass is the smallest possible mass for a black hole to exist. The energy of the photon with a Compton wavelength equal to the Planck length is enormous, and this photon behaves like a black hole. Any photon with such a small wavelength (Planck length) has so much energy that it can be seen as a black hole with mass equal to the Planck mass.

Photons and Black Holes at Planck Scale:
A photon with a wavelength this small can be thought of as a black hole itself. This reveals a fundamental quantum gravitational effect: light (normally massless) can, in extreme conditions, exhibit black hole-like behaviour.

This statement highlights a profound and theoretically significant relationship: at the Planck scale, where quantum mechanics and general relativity merge, a black hole’s Schwarzschild radius, the energy of a photon, and its Compton wavelength all converge. This suggests that in the realm of quantum gravity, the distinctions between matter, energy, and spacetime become deeply intertwined.

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