22 January 2025

Science and Religious Influence:

Soumendra Nath Thakur
January 22, 2025

The statement, "According to Pew Research, 85% of people identify with a religion," provides valuable insight into the distinction between science interpreted through a scientific lens and science influenced by religious bias.

The high percentage of religious affiliation among individuals in the scientific community raises concerns about the potential introduction of religious biases into scientific discourse. Religion, being inherently authoritarian, contrasts with the evidence-based and falsifiable nature of science. 

In some cases, renowned scientists are venerated to the extent that their work is considered final and beyond question—an approach that contradicts the core scientific principle of continuous scrutiny and revision. This phenomenon can occur when religious authority influences scientific inquiry.

"A fundamental characteristic of science is that its truths remain constant, independent of personal beliefs. Science relies on empirical evidence and rigorous methods to uncover facts about the universe. These truths exist objectively, unaffected by human opinions or perceptions. This objectivity ensures that scientific discoveries and principles—such as the laws of physics or the theory of evolution—hold true regardless of individual acceptance or cultural perspectives.

This inherent objectivity underscores the importance of science in understanding reality, providing a reliable framework for exploring and explaining the natural world, free from subjective influences or belief systems."

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