10 August 2024

Time dilation are often viewed not as true experiments, but as demonstrations of preconceived notions:

While I recognize your intellectual acumen, I reckon there may be a misunderstanding regarding the nature of time dilation and the experiments that support it. The numerous published studies confirming time dilation are often viewed not as true experiments, but as demonstrations of preconceived notions. This is because, fundamentally, time itself is not a dilatable entity; rather, events give rise to the concept of time.
Time is defined as the indefinite, continuous progression of existence and events through the past, present, and future, considered as a whole. This progression occurs in a uniform, unchanging sequence, often referred to as cosmic time, within the context of the fourth dimension, above the three spatial dimensions.
Cosmic time is physically represented in clocks and is standardized by the constant frequency of caesium atoms. However, clocks are susceptible to mechanical distortions due to relativistic effects such as motion or gravity. While existential events are physical, time itself is not; it is a conceptual, abstract idea. Therefore, while physical entities can be distorted, time cannot.
Real events in space do not interact with the fourth dimension of time in a way that would allow for distortion through interactions, motion, or gravity. Events in space cannot naturally access the proper time dimension, so their effects cannot alter time beyond its ideal succession, as claimed in the concept of time dilation.
Wavelength distortion due to phase shifts in relative frequency is often misrepresented as time dilation. According to the relation 𝜆 ∝ 𝑇, where 𝜆 denotes wavelength and 𝑇 denotes the period of oscillation, distortion in the clock mechanism affects the wavelength, which is incorrectly interpreted as time dilation.
Clock readings should always follow the natural order of time; otherwise, external distortions will lead to incorrect readings in the clock mechanism. This is why the concept of time dilation is misleading.
Clocks are designed to measure time, not time dilation. The concept of time dilation, which deviates from the standard measure of time, suggests a fundamental error in our understanding of time. The relationship t(360°) < t'(>360°) further illustrates that relativistic time dilation is a flawed concept.
In essence, time is a conceptual or abstract mathematical idea that emerges from events. The phase change in relative frequency, due to the gradual decay of wave energy and the corresponding increase in the wavelength of oscillation, leads to errors in clock time readings when there are relativistic effects or differences in gravitational potential. This phenomenon is inaccurately presented as time dilation.
Refer my research papers in Google Scholar:
Best regards
Soumendra Nath Thakur

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