10 August 2024

The Relationship Between Events and the Emergence of Time in Classical and Relativistic Frameworks of Space and Time: Events Invoke Time

Soumendra Nath Thakur
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1871-7803


An event (P) can be represented within a coordinate system (x, y, z, t) in both Classical Euclidean space-time and Relativistic Minkowskian spacetime, albeit with different interpretations.

Classical Euclidean Space and Time:
In Classical Euclidean interpretations, events are described using three spatial coordinates (x, y, z) along with an absolute, independent time dimension (t). Here, space and time are treated as separate entities, with time progressing uniformly and unaffected by spatial coordinates.

Relativistic Minkowskian Spacetime:
Conversely, in Relativistic Minkowskian interpretations, events are represented within the same three spatial coordinates (x, y, z) but are fused with the time coordinate (t) into a unified spacetime framework. This framework is expressed as (t, x, y, z), where time and space are interwoven, reflecting the interconnected nature of space-time in the theory of relativity.

Coordinate System Origins:
Both coordinate systems originate at the point (0, 0, 0, 0), where there is no change in spatial coordinates, and consequently, no emergence of a time coordinate. This results in the expression (t, x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0, 0).

Implications for Physical Phenomena:
When applied to physical phenomena, this implies that a non-eventful origin of space will not give rise to time. This concept establishes the principle that events invoke time. Thus, an event P at the coordinate origin would be expressed as P(t, x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0, 0), where the lack of change in the spatial coordinates of the event, P(x, y, z) = 0, results in no progression of time (t = 0). However, if there is a change in the spatial coordinates, P(x', y', z') ≠ 0, it will lead to a corresponding change in the time coordinate (t' ≠ 0).

This phenomenon confirms that time is not invoked in the absence of spatial changes in an event, but rather that only eventful existence can invoke time.

The statement, "You'll need to recognize an existence before this existence came into being by the simple fact that we are in this existence, which would not exist without the prior existence," overlooks a critical concept: non-eventful existence does not invoke time—only existential events do.

Time is defined as the indefinite, continuous progression of existence and events through the past, present, and future, regarded as a whole. This progression unfolds in a uniform, unchanging sequence, often referred to as cosmic time, within the context of the fourth dimension, beyond the three spatial dimensions.

This understanding confirms that both existence and events are necessary for time to emerge. Non-eventful existence alone cannot invoke time because time tracks changes in existence. Without changes or events, time becomes meaningless. It is crucial to understand that time does not cause events; rather, events cause time to emerge.

To reiterate: events invoke time, not the other way around.

Therefore, even if there is non-eventful existence, without events, there can be no emergence of time. The Big Bang event marked the first emergence of time, preceding which there was only non-eventful existence.

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