30 June 2022

Where is the space expanding faster than the speed of light?

The answer to the question is that, the limitation in the speed of light is applicable within a gravitationally bound system - definitely within a galaxy (up to the zero-gravity sphere around it, or within clusters or super cluster or mega clusters of galaxies respectively,

Only the space beyond that is dominated by Dark Energy that expands the space. Generally, intergalactic space expands but not within a galaxy.

However, space is not expanding faster than light everywhere; only after certain distance towards the edge of the universe space can expand faster than light, the space before that in slower than the speed of light.

When you are seeing a distant galaxy, you are actually seeing its light year travelled distance but at the time of your observation that galaxy might have changed its location to a new location known as its proper distance.

So a general understanding is that when the galaxy's proper distance is greater than the light year travelled distance then only the galaxy is considered to be receding faster than light speed, not before that.

#ExpansionOfSpace #fasterthanlight

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