An intriguing concept of a "non-eventful vibrational universe" that explores energy dynamics beyond the Planck time and incorporates gravitational forces, energy transformations, and oscillations within a theoretical framework. This concept draws on several fundamental principles in physics and cosmology.
This concept explores intriguing ideas related to energy transformations, gravitational forces, and oscillatory behaviours at a fundamental level, proposing a universe operating within a vibrational framework without distinct events.
The progression of your idea touches upon key concepts:
Beyond Planck Time: Exploring energy beyond the Planck time based on the conservation of energy laws, and observations related to dark matter and dark energy, providing a basis for a mathematical exploration.
Unified Fundamental Forces: The mathematical exploration beyond Planck time transforming known fundamental forces into a single force, gravity, indicating a unification of forces through mathematical and multidimensional analysis.
Force and Energy Relationship: Understanding the relationship between force and energy change, where energy change represents force, and how this applies to the initial point's associated energy transition between positional and vibrational states, suggesting a gravitational force maintaining the oscillation's momentum.
Energy-Vacuum and Perturbations: The concept of non-incidental energetic changes during oscillations leading to an energy-vacuum at the oscillation's origin and perturbing the energy states of surrounding points.
Energy Conversion and Directional Spread: Describing how non-eventual changes in positional energy of surrounding points are converted into vibrational energy and spread directionally along defined axes.
Influence of Unchanged Energy States: Speculating that unchanged energy states of surrounding points could transform positional energy into vibrational energy, involving momentum and gravitational forces.
Further exploration and theoretical development could provide deeper insights into the fundamental dynamics of such a vibrational universe.