ORCiD: 0000-0003-1871-7803
February 10, 2025
Within Extended Classical Mechanics (ECM), photon dynamics describes dark energy by positing that photons, due to their unique properties within the framework, can exhibit a "negative apparent mass," causing them to effectively repel each other and contribute to the observed accelerating expansion of the universe, which is the primary characteristic of dark energy; this negative mass arises from the complex interaction of photon momentum and energy within the ECM equations, leading to an "effective acceleration" that counteracts gravitational pull.
Photon Dynamics and Dark Energy in the Framework of Extended Classical Mechanics (ECM)
In the framework of Extended Classical Mechanics (ECM), photon dynamics and dark energy are intricately linked through the concepts of effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ) and apparent mass (Mᵃᵖᵖ). This framework provides a novel perspective on how gravitational interactions can induce mass in initially massless particles, such as photons, and how these interactions relate to the observed phenomena of dark energy.
Photon Dynamics and Effective Mass
Effective Mass and Apparent Mass:
In ECM, the effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ) of a photon is a dynamic property that combines the rest mass (Mᴍ) and the apparent mass (Mᵃᵖᵖ). For photons, which have zero rest mass, their apparent mass dictates their energy-momentum exchanges and response to forces. This leads to the reformulated force equation:
Fₚₕₒₜₒₙ =−Mᵃᵖᵖ aᵉᶠᶠ
The apparent mass (Mᵃᵖᵖ) can be negative, which is crucial for understanding antigravitational effects and dark energy.
Gravitational Redshift and Photon Energy:
The total energy of a photon is analysed as the sum of its inherent energy (E) and gravitational interaction energy (Eg). As photons escape a gravitational field, they retain their inherent energy while gradually expending their gravitational energy. This leads to gravitational redshift, where the photon's frequency shifts due to the gravitational potential.
Dark Energy and Negative Effective Mass
Dark Energy as a Gravitational Interaction:
In ECM, dark energy is not treated as a conventional field or particle but as a gravitationally interactive background that influences mass distributions at intergalactic scales. It acts on cosmic scales by modifying the gravitational potential, leading to the observed cosmic acceleration.
Negative Effective Mass and Antigravitational Effects:
The negative effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ<0) is a key feature of ECM, particularly in the context of dark energy. This negative mass can lead to antigravitational effects, where objects experience repulsion rather than attraction. This phenomenon echoes the behaviour of dark energy, which accelerates the universe's expansion by generating antigravitational effects.
Gravitational Mass and Dark Energy:
The gravitational mass (Mg) in ECM is given by:
Mɢ = Mᴍ + (-Mᵃᵖᵖ)
At intergalactic scales, the interaction of dark matter with dark energy results in an effective mass contribution (Mᴅᴇ), which is represented by:
Mɢ = Mᴍ + Mᴅᴇ
This additional inferred mass component (Mᴅᴇ) is an emergent gravitational effect, not a fundamental mass term.
Implications for Photon Dynamics and Dark Energy
Unified Framework:
ECM provides a unified framework that bridges classical mechanics, quantum principles, and cosmological implications. By incorporating the concept of apparent mass, ECM offers a cohesive mechanism to reconcile classical, quantum, and cosmological phenomena.
Cosmic Acceleration:
The negative effective mass associated with dark energy explains the observed cosmic acceleration. This antigravitational effect is crucial for understanding the expansion of the universe and the role of dark energy in shaping cosmic dynamics.
Gravitational Collapse at the Planck Scale:
At the Planck scale, gravitational interactions can induce mass in massless particles, leading to gravitational collapse. This transition from massless to massive states is a direct consequence of ECM's mass induction principle, where increasing energy (via frequency) leads to mass acquisition.
The framework of Extended Classical Mechanics (ECM) offers a detailed and nuanced understanding of photon dynamics and dark energy. By incorporating the concepts of effective mass and apparent mass, ECM provides a unified perspective on gravitational interactions across quantum and cosmological scales. This approach not only aligns with fundamental principles but also offers potential explanations for cosmic-scale phenomena involving dark matter, dark energy, and exotic gravitational effects.
#photondynamics #darkenergy #ECM
EasyChair 2024/11/28
A Nuanced Perspective on
Dark Energy: Extended Classical …
This study presents an
advanced extension of classical mechanics to examine photon dynamics and its
parallels with cosmological phenomena, particularly dark energy. …
EasyChair 2024/11/28
A Nuanced Perspective on
Dark Energy: Extended Classical …
A Nuanced Perspective on
Dark Energy: Extended Classical Mechanics Soumendra Nath Thakur
Photon Dynamics under
Negative Apparent Mass and Effective …
In the framework of
Extended Classical Mechanics (ECM), "photon dynamics under negative
apparent mass and effective acceleration" describes the concept that
photons, when viewed …
arXiv.org 2024/10/29
[2410.22424] Early Dark
Energy Effects on the 21cm Signal
In this paper, we study
the impact of
A Dual Framework for Rest
· III. Negative Effective Mass: A central feature of the ECM framework is the concept of negative effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ < 0), which emerges in Case 2, when an object with zero matter mass is in …
The Massless-to-Massive
Transition: Gravitational Thresholds …
Conversely, ECM also
explores how antigravitational interactions could reduce mass, potentially
leading to negative effective mass under certain conditions. This perspective
challenges …
arXiv.org 2024/12/06
Cosmological constraints
on dark energy models using DESI …
Hence, we have examined
four popular parameterized dark energy models in our analysis: the
Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL), Barboza-Alcaniz (BA), Jassal-Bagla …
ResearchGate 2024/12/22
A Nuanced Perspective on
Dark Energy: Extended Classical …
This research introduces
an advanced framework in extended classical mechanics to explore photon
dynamics and its connection to cosmological phenomena, particularly dark …
Wiley Online Library
Interaction between Dark
Matter and Dark Energy and the …
In this paper we have
studied an interacting model in which the dark sectors (dark matter and dark
energy) are coupled to each other in a background gravitational field which is
arXiv.org 2025/01/05
Parametrization Framework for the Deceleration …
Our method provides a
framework that is independent of the model to explore dark energy, leading to a
deeper and more subtle understanding of the mechanisms driving late …
Astronomy & Astrophysics
A unifying theory of dark
energy and dark matter: Negative …
Despite this initial
intellectual hurdle, the basic properties of negative masses still make them a
powerful and compelling candidate for providing a unification of dark matter
and dark energy …
EasyChair 2024/11/22
Photon Dynamics in
Extended Classical Mechanics: Effective …
entum interactions into
the extended classical mechanics framework, while also drawing parallels with
the behaviour of dark energy. This approach not only enriches the …
arXiv.org 2015/12/02
[1512.00541] Massive
Photon and Dark Energy - arXiv.org
We investigate cosmology
of massive electrodynamics and explore the possibility whether massive photon
could provide an explanation of the dark energy.
ResearchGate 2024/12/25
A Dual Framework for Rest
For the former, total
energy is dominated by potential energy, with no contribution from kinetic
energy. In contrast, the latter involves negative effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ<0) and energy...
Dark matter haloes in
interacting dark energy models: …
ResearchGate 2024/11/25
Equations that Bridges
Extended Classical Mechanics and …
From extended classical
mechanics, the effective mass Mᵉᶠᶠ plays a central role in the
dynamics of massless particles, including photons. It is defined as: • Mᴍ is the matter …
Springer 2024/10/15
Interacting Dark Energy
and Its Implications for Unified Dark Sector
The three models that are
considered in this study are time-varying $$\varvec{\Lambda }$$ , Generalized
Chaplygin Gas (GCG), and K-essence. Each model …
ResearchGate 2024/12/02
Transition: Dynamics of Negative Apparent …
As the electron's
velocity increases toward the speed of light, the negative apparent mass (−Mᵃᵖᵖ) becomes dominant, reducing the
effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ). When
the velocity …
arXiv.org 2023/01/19
[2301.08743] Cosmological
implications of an interacting model of …
We have assumed the
gravitational interaction between the matter fields i.e. between barotropic
fluid and the dark energy. The dark energy evolution within the framework …
Preprints 2024/11/29
A Nuanced Perspective on
Dark Energy: Extended Classical …
This study presents an
advanced extension of classical mechanics to examine photon dynamics and its
parallels with cosmological phenomena, particularly dark energy. …
ScienceDirect 2023/05/01
Cosmological implications
of an interacting model of dark matter …
We have assumed the
gravitational interaction between the matter fields i.e. barotropic fluid and
the dark energy. The dark energy evolution is within the framework of …
arXiv.org 2024/10/07
Dark Energy, and a Dark
Fluid, from topology and a massless spinor
Under the existence of a
massless spinor degrees of freedom in a spacetime with internal boundaries,
such as black holes, we show that a topological mechanism naturally …
Photon Pressure with an
Effective Negative Mass Microwave Mode
Here, we engineer a
microwave mode in a superconducting LC circuit that mimics the dynamics of a
negative mass oscillator, and couple it via photon pressure to a second
low-frequency circuit.
ScienceDirect 2023/12/01
Effect of massive
graviton on dark energy star structure
In the following,
assuming different values of free parameters defined in massive gravity, we
calculate the properties of dark energy stars such as radial pressure,
transverse …
Physical Review Link
Manager 2024/12/18
Interacting Dark Energy
after DESI Baryon Acoustic Oscillation ...
We investigate the
implications of the baryon acoustic oscillations measurement released by the
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument for interacting dark energy (IDE) …
Extended Classical
Mechanics: Vol-1 - Equivalence Principle, …
extended classical
mechanics, including effective mass, dark energy, and gravitational forces,
redefined to incorporate the effects of dark energy and negative mass on both
local and …
Physical Review Journals
Supplemental Material
for: Photon-Pressure with an Effective …
With similar
considerations, we find that the friction force in a stable negative-mass
oscillator needs to act opposite to the usual friction force. This means it
will add energy instead of …
arXiv.org 2005/05/06
Effective equation of state for dark energy ...
We find that the
effective EOS can correspond to both normal quintessence and phantom dark
energy, depending on the value of a single parameter of the RG model. We …
ScienceDirect 2020/12/01
Interacting dark energy
in the early 2020s: A promising solution to …
We examine interactions
between dark matter and dark energy in light of the latest cosmological
observations, focusing on a specific model with coupling proportional to the
dark …
Astronomy Stack Exchange
Is dark matter made from
the particles that had charge but no …
Charged, massless
particles would be a form of "hot" dark matter. i.e. A form of energy
density that was relativistic at the epoch of structure formation and of
course, still …
arXiv.org 2025/02/10
Robustness of Dark Energy
Phenomenology Across Different …
While this
parameterization is by far the most common, recent research has raised some
questions about its utility and urged caution when interpreting it (e.g. [74,
73, 75, …
Physical Review Journals
Hot new early dark energy
bridging cosmic gaps: Supercooled …
We propose a simple model
that can alleviate the tension while remaining consistent with big bang
nucleosynthesis (BBN). It is based on a dark sector described by a …
TU Delft Research Portal
Photon Pressure with an
Effective Negative Mass Microwave Mode
We demonstrate that the
effective negative mass dynamics lead to an inversion of dynamical backaction
and to sideband cooling of the low-frequency circuit by a blue-detuned pump
field, …
Nature 2020/02/19
Measurement of the
quantum geometric tensor and of the
In this work, we present
a direct measurement of the full momentum space QGT (
EasyChair 2025/01/06
A Dual Framework for Rest
This study explores the
foundational equations of Extended Classical Mechanics (ECM), offering a
comprehensive framework for analysing energy and force interactions …
ResearchGate 2025/01/08
Dark matter drives cosmic
structure formation through gravitational effects, while dark energy
accelerates universal expansion. Although the ΛCDM model assumes minimal …
Physical Review Journals
Boson stars in massless
and massive scalar-tensor gravity
We study phenomenological
features and stability of boson stars in massless and massive scalar-tensor
theory of gravity with Damour-Esposito-Far`ese coupling.
Physical Review Link
Manager 2020/10/08
Unified framework for
early dark energy from α -attractors
One of the most appealing
approaches to ease the Hubble tension is the inclusion of an early dark energy
SMU Tian Lab
effective mass of the
carriers is much larger or much smaller than m0. The effective mass may be
anisotropic, and it may even be negative. The important point is that the
electron in a periodic …
IntechOpen 2016/11/05
Superfluid Quantum Space
and Evolution of the Universe
In short, a photon would
be a spinning phonon through superfluid dark energy, whose mechanical
interaction with dark energy’s quanta would excite them, producing the …
Dark Matter and Dark
Energy in Galaxies Via Gravitational Field …
This theory provides an
explanation for the dark matter and dark energy in galaxies and the universe as
due to the relativistic mass associated with gravitational and cosmological
redshift …
Behavior of quasinormal
modes and Van der Waals-like …
Abstract In this work, we
utilize the quasinormal modes (QNMs) of a massless scalar perturbation to probe
the Van der Waals-like small and large black holes (SBH/LBH) phase transition
of …
IOPscience 2016/08/12
Dark matter and dark
energy interactions: theoretical challenges ...
Models where dark matter
and dark energy interact with each other have been proposed to solve the
coincidence problem. We review the motivations underlying the need to …
Preprints 2024/11/25
Photon Dynamics in
Extended Classical Mechanics: Effective …
In essence, this research
aims to refine our understanding of photon dynamics by integrating concepts of
effective mass, negative inertia, and energy-momentum interactions …
arXiv.org 2022/12/14
Photon-Pressure with an
Effective Negative Mass Microwave Mode
We demonstrate that the
effective negative mass dynamics lead to an inversion of dynamical backaction
and to sideband-cooling of the low-frequency circuit by a blue-detuned …
SciTechDaily 2024/12/08
Rewriting Cosmic History:
DESI’s New Map Challenges …
Research using DESI data
reveals dark energy’s dynamic nature, supporting the quintom-B model and
suggesting a non-static cosmological constant.
EasyChair 2024/11/22
Photon Dynamics in
Extended Classical Mechanics: Effective …
This research explores
the concept of photon dynamics, specifically focusing on the notion of
effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ) and
its implications for force interactions and energy …
ScienceDirect 2020/12/01
Can massive neutrinos be
responsible for late time phase …
In our opinion, the
turning of massive neutrinos from relativistic to non-relativistic might cause
a phase transition at late times. We implement this idea using massless λ ϕ 4 …
American Institute of
Mathematical Sciences 2016/11/02
Gravitational Field
Equations and Theory of Dark Matter and Dark …
Both particles can be
considered as gravitational force carriers, and as they are massless, the
induced forces are long-range forces. The (nonlinear) interaction between these
bosonic …
Nature 2025/02/05
Quantum coarsening and
collective dynamics on a programmable …
The total classical
energy of the system is conserved whereas the bulk (domain wall) energy
increases (decreases). Inset: the separation of domains into bulk and domain
walls for …
arXiv.org 2023/02/23
[2302.11949] Interacting
dark energy: clarifying the cosmological ...
In this study,
cosmological models are considered, where dark matter and dark energy are
coupled and may exchange energy through non-gravitational interactions with one
arXiv.org 2023/09/16
[2401.13814] Illuminating
the Dark Sector: Searching for new ...
In this dissertation, we
delve into extensions to the standard model that consider alternatives to the
mysterious nature of the dark sector and any possible new interactions …
Early galaxies and early
dark energy: a unified solution to the …
JWST has revealed a large
population of UV-bright galaxies at |$z\gtrsim 10$| and possibly overly massive
galaxies at |$z\gtrsim 7$|, challenging standard galaxy formation …
Papers With Code
Unified framework for
Early Dark Energy from $\alpha$-attractors
One of the most appealing
approaches to ease the Hubble tension is the inclusion of an early dark energy
iaspoint.com 2025/01/10
Dark Energy and the
Timescape Model in Cosmology
Dark energy constitutes
about 70% of the universe’s total energy, influencing cosmic expansion. It is
essential in the Lambda-CDM model, which is the prevailing …
Physical Review Link
Manager 2024/05/17
Photon Pressure with an
Effective Negative Mass Microwave Mode
· We demonstrate that the effective negative mass dynamics lead to an inversion of dynamical backaction and to sideband cooling of the low-frequency circuit by a blue-detuned …
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