10 October 2024

Newton's Warning and Einstein's Oversight: A Critique of Relativity’s Misinterpretations.

Soumendra Nath Thakur

In a critical video, the creator references Sir Isaac Newton’s warning from his Principia Mathematica:  Relative quantities are not the quantities themselves, whose names they bear, but are the sensible measures of them. By the names time, space, place, and motion, their sensible measures are to be understood, and it is improper to mean the measured quantities themselves by these terms. Those who interpret these words as the measured quantities violate the accuracy of language, and those who confuse real quantities with their relations and sensible measures corrupt the purity of mathematical and philosophical truths.

Two centuries later, a 26 year old graduate from the Polytechnic Institute of Zurich—who was the only one in his class not to receive an assistant position—would precisely fail to heed this warning, plunging modern physics into a state of philosophical free fall. One hundred and twenty years later, Einstein’s theories would be scrutinized, and the price for disregarding Newton’s warning would eventually come due.

The video’s creator even humorously remarked, “I truly think Einstein is a practical joker, pulling the legs of his overly enthusiastic followers, who have become more 'Einsteinish' than him.

Seven years after the creation of this critique video, I offer my own commentary. The word “sensible,” as used here, refers to phenomena perceived through the senses, synonymous with "physical" or "empirical." Thus, a "sensible measure" would mean a "physical measure." Yet time, space, place, and motion are not physically measurable entities in themselves. They are frameworks for measuring events (in time), positions (in space), locations (in place), and changes in position (motion).

The warning presented in the video is both clear and accurate. It explains that relativity is a method for measuring quantities, not the quantities themselves. Einstein, however, violated this mathematical principle by presenting relativistic concepts like time as actual quantities—turning "sensible time" into "natural time" and thereby undermining the independence of absolute time.

Additionally, "sensible space" under relativity refers to "natural space," which is bendable, a direct violation of the fundamental concept of space as the dimension in which all events occur. Place, as a measure of distance from an origin, and motion, as the measure of how fast objects change location, are misrepresented within the relativistic framework.

While relativity aims to connect cosmic time to events in the universe, it cleverly redefines clock time as "natural time," implying that because the clock is a physical object, the time it measures must also be natural. This assumption is misleading—the very idea of "natural time" is a farce.

Relativity also disregards the broader understanding of wavelength dilation, which corresponds to clock time distortion. It falsely presents this as time dilation, even though time dilation cannot be measured on a standard clock, which is built to measure standardized time, not the flawed time dilation proposed by relativity.

The experiments conducted by biased proponents of relativity led to the erroneous conclusion that time itself is dilatable. In reality, they should have measured wavelength dilation, which occurs due to phase shifts in frequencies, leading to slight energy loss in an oscillator’s wave and corresponding so-called "time dilation."

Furthermore, the relativistic notion that gravity is a result of spacetime curvature is a flawed interpretation. Gravitational lensing experiments, which claim that light bends due to spacetime curvature, are biased. In truth, the bending of a photon’s path is caused by momentum exchange with the gravitating body, which results in curvature within the gravitational field—not spacetime.

Relativity’s theories are built upon fundamentally flawed concepts of time and space as "spacetime." Consequently, the entire relativistic framework is unreliable. Time, by nature, is cosmic and absolute, which negates any possibility of time dilation or the reduction of age in the returning twin, as described in the famous twin paradox.

In conclusion, the video rightfully exposes the flaws in relativity and shows how Einstein’s theories stand in contradiction to Newton’s prescient warning. 

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