09 September 2024

Clarification on Time Distortion and Phase Shifts in Relation to Falling Clocks


Dear Mr. Robert A. Phillips,

Thank you for your response concerning falling clocks.

However, the focus of our discussion is "Dark Energy as a By-Product of Negative Effective Mass," and a question about falling clocks is not directly relevant to this topic. Addressing your question on falling clocks might not contribute to the core discussion on Dark Energy and its Negative Effective Mass. I would encourage keeping our conversation focused on the specific topic at hand.

Regarding your statement that a falling clock closer to Earth oscillates more slowly than one at a higher position, leading to a reduction in subatomic kinetic energy proportional to the square of the relative clock rate:

Please note that, scientifically, a clock closer to Earth actually oscillates faster, not more slowly, than one at a higher altitude due to the stronger gravitational force at Earth's surface. This results in a more energetic condition, where higher energy corresponds to a higher frequency and therefore a higher oscillation rate, according to Planck's equation, E=hf.

Your statement seems to touch on how a falling mass under Earth's gravitational force undergoes deformation due to strain, which causes corresponding changes in its dimensions, as explained by Hooke's Law. Furthermore, gravitational force affects the internal subatomic and molecular structure of the falling mass, leading to strain and deformation in accordance with force-mass equations in classical mechanics.

Consequently, the oscillation of the atomic clock is affected, leading to distortion in the clock's time readings. My research paper, titled "Relativistic Effects on Phase Shift in Frequencies Invalidate Time Dilation II," provides a comprehensive explanation and solution to this issue. You can access it at this URL: Relativistic Effects on Phase Shift in Frequencies Invalidate Time Dilation II.

This research demonstrates that variations in gravitational forces (G-forces) cause internal particles of matter to interact, resulting in stresses and deformations within the matter. Distortions in wavelength due to phase shifts in relative frequencies directly correspond to time distortions, as described by the relationship λ∝T, where λ represents the wavelength and T the period of oscillation. Relativistic effects, such as differences in speed or gravitational potential, influence the clock's mechanism through phase shifts in frequencies, resulting in increased wavelengths of clock oscillations and subsequent errors in time readings. These phase shifts, linked to an increase in the wavelength of clock oscillations, cause time distortion.

Experiments conducted with piezoelectric crystal oscillators in electronic laboratories have shown that wave distortions correspond to time distortions due to relativistic effects. The time interval T(deg) for a 1° phase shift is inversely proportional to the frequency (f), indicating that a wave corresponds to a time shift.

For example, a 1° phase shift on a 5 MHz wave corresponds to a time shift of 555 picoseconds (ps).

• For a 1° phase shift, T(deg) = T/360. Since T=1/f, we have:
• 1° phase shift = T/360 = (1/f)/360.
• For a wave with a frequency f = 5 MHz, the phase shift (in degrees) can be calculated as:
• T(deg)= (1/5,000,000)/360 = 555 ps = Δt.

Thus, for a 1° phase shift in a wave with a frequency of 5 MHz and a wavelength λ = 59.95 m, the corresponding time shift (or time delay) Δt is approximately 555 ps.

Therefore, as a falling clock approaches the Earth's surface, it reverses the magnitude of its deformation, thereby reversing the magnitude of time distortion. The phase shift in the oscillation frequency can be used to calculate the magnitude of this time distortion using the following formula:

• For a 1° phase shift: T(deg) = (1/f)/360 = Δt or,
• For an x° phase shift: Δtₓ = x(1/360f₀)

For more details, please refer to my research paper, "Phase Shift and Infinitesimal Wave Energy Loss Equations," available at this URL: Phase Shift and Infinitesimal Wave Energy Loss Equations.

Best regards,

Soumendra Nath Thakur

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