22 August 2024

Focus on Soumendra Nath Thakur’s recent studies:


Soumendra Nath Thakur’s studies conceptualize negative effective mass (Mᵉᶠᶠ, mᵉᶠᶠ) to explain how energy forms, such as dark energy and potential energy, influence gravitational dynamics and classical mechanics. When energy is introduced into a system—whether through an increase in gravitational potential energy or an applied force—this can result in an effective mass that is negative. This negative effective mass diminishes the apparent matter mass (Mᴍ) without directly converting energy into physical mass. As the negative effective mass becomes more pronounced, the kinetic energy of the system increases, reflecting the influence of these energy forms on gravitational effects and mechanical behaviour. This concept extends classical mechanics by integrating insights from both classical principles and observational data to accommodate the effects of non-traditional energy forms.

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