23 July 2024

Dr Louis Essen Rejects Einstein’s Relativity Theory:

These points encapsulate Essen’s main criticisms and provide insight into why he rejected Einstein’s theory of relativity.

1. Relativity as Not a Scientific Theory:

Contradictory Assumptions: Essen argues that relativity is not a coherent scientific theory but a collection of contradictory assumptions and mistakes.

Clock Paradox: Essen criticizes the thought experiment leading to the clock paradox, claiming it results from a fundamental mistake.

2. Measurement Units and Disciplines:

Units of Measurement: According to Essen, Einstein lacked understanding of the units and disciplines of measurement, leading to an inconsistent theory of measurement.

Absolute Standards: A valid theory of measurement requires absolute standards, which relativity theory denies, making it inherently contradictory.

3. Thought Experiment Mistakes:

Equator vs. Poles Clock: Essen points out an error in Einstein’s 1905 paper where a clock at the equator is said to run slow compared to one at the poles, which is a misinterpretation validated by incorrect experimental models like Hafele-Keating.

4. Experimental Evidence:

Marginal Effects: Essen criticizes the reliability of experiments supporting relativity, such as Eddington’s 1919 eclipse experiment and the 1972 Hafele-Keating atomic clock experiment, stating that the observed effects are marginal and not definitive evidence.

5. Sociological Issues in Science:

Harm to Reputation: Essen admits that criticizing relativity could harm one’s professional career due to peer pressure within the scientific community.

Manipulation of Results: Essen suggests that scientists might manipulate results to confirm accepted theories rather than disprove them.

6. Logical Consistency:

Internal Consistency: A valid scientific theory must be internally consistent and logically sound, which Essen believes relativity is not.

Empirical Verification: Essen argues that relativity fails to incorporate a consistent theory of measurement and cannot be empirically verified, making it pseudo-scientific rather than a true physical science.

7. Conclusion:

Pseudo-Science: Relativity is labelled as pseudo-science by Essen due to its lack of empirical verifiability and logical consistency in measurement theory.

Reference: Dr Louis Essen Inventor Of Atomic Clock Rejects Einstein’s Relativity Theory by Harry Ricker, August 28, 2019

#ContradictoryAssumptions #ClockParadox #MeasurementUnits #ExperimentalEvidence #PseudoScience

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