09 June 2024

Gravitational and Antigravitational Influences on the Speed of Light:

Soumendra Nath Thakur
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1871-7803

The speed of light, denoted as c, is determined by the product of its frequency (f) and wavelength (位), as expressed by the equation c = f·位. This relationship indicates that when there are no external forces acting upon a wave or photon, both its frequency and wavelength remain constant. However, when a photon is emitted from a gravitationally bound body, it is subjected to the gravitational force, represented by F饾憯 = G · (m₁ · m₂) / d², where G is the gravitational constant, m₁ and m₂ are the masses of the bodies involved, and d is the distance between them.

The gravitational force exerted influences the wavelength, causing it to undergo redshift. Despite this shift, the speed of light remains constant. This constancy is maintained because the frequency of the wave or photon also changes in accordance with the inverse relationship f ∝ 1/位. As the wavelength increases due to gravitational effects, the frequency decreases proportionally, ensuring c remains unchanged.

The decrease in frequency results in a reduction of the wave's energy (E), as described by the equation E = hf, where h is Planck's constant. The gravitational force continues to affect the wave or photon until its influence becomes negligible, described by the condition F饾憯 = G · (m₁ · m₂) / d².

Upon surpassing the gravitational influence, the wave or photon encounters a negative gravitational force, referred to as antigravity, expressed as - F饾憯 = - G · (m₁ · m₂) / d². In such instances, the usual distance travelled (>c) when the wave or photon speed equals c, f·位 = c, is surpassed. Consequently, the wave or photon is compelled to adhere to f·位 > c, leading to a permanent increase in wavelength. As a result, frequency and energy decrease in correspondence with the equation E = hf, even as the wave or photon maintains a speed following c = f·位, even when it surpasses c over distance. Thus, gravitational influences play a crucial role in determining and confirming the speed of light.

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