01 December 2023

My ResearchGate Answer 004, to RG Questions:

Q: Does the GPS technology require SR and GR for precise computation of time and location, claimed by official science?

A:<<It doesn't matter what anyone ''thinks''; the calculation is straightforward to do in flat spacetime (where special relativity would be sufficient) and in curved spacetime (where general relativity would be necessary).>>

My reply to (A): But it really matters when preconceived special relativity mistakenly represents time dilation rather than time distortion, and when time, or even the time scale itself, is something that is not dilatable. One cannot dilatate time or its scale, unless one invites error into time.

So-called, straightforward special relative time confidence is set aside.

Also, a GPS time is relevant to the gravitational potential difference, so special relativity is not the only consideration in GPS time measurement, GR deals with gravity, not SR.


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