29 January 2023

Consequences in the theory of relativity:

""Relative mass. For a slower than light particle, a particle with a nonzero rest mass, the formula becomes where is the rest mass and is the Lorentz factor. The Lorentz factor is equal to: γ=1√1−v^2/c^2, where v is the relative velocity between inertial reference frames and c is the speed of light."

However, The time dilation corresponding to the Lorentz transformation is not the mass change but the relativistic error.

What is most significant here is that "not mass changes", but will have consequences in the whole theory of relativity, where time dilation is very significant, whereas wavelength dilation is not time dilation.

The results would significantly alter the theory of relativity.

Read More.....

27 January 2023

Signal those reaching us from the galaxies billions of light years away. - Time dilation in question:

How much time dilation occurs after a signal reaches us from a galaxy billions of light years away?

Inasmuch as there are involvements of frequencies and corresponding loss of wave energy due to Doppler redshift, Gravitational redshift and Cosmological redshift, besides gravitational time dilation?

I have independent and scientifically valid answer to this question.

বিলিয়ন আলোকবর্ষ দূরে একটি ছায়াপথ থেকে একটি সংকেত আমাদের কাছে পৌঁছানোর পর কত সময় প্রসারণ ঘটে?

যেহেতু মহাকর্ষীয় সময়ের প্রসারণ ছাড়াও ডপলার রেডশিফ্ট, গ্র্যাভিটেশনাল রেডশিফ্ট এবং কসমোলজিক্যাল রেডশিফ্টের কারণে ফ্রিকোয়েন্সি এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট তরঙ্গ শক্তির ক্ষতি হয়.

16 January 2023

Relativistic effects on phaseshift in frequencies invalidate time dilation.

About Time and Wavelength Dilation
Version: 2.2

Relativistic effects on phaseshift in frequencies invalidate time dilation II

Soumendra Nath Thakur¹Priyanka Samal² Deep Bhattacharjee

¹Tagore's Electronic Lab. India
²Berhampur University, India
³INS Research, Department of Geometry & Topology, India ³Electro Gravitational Space Propulsion Laboratory, India ³Actual Intelligence Division, CXAI Technologies Ltd, Cyprus

+Corresponding author ¹postmasterenator@gmail.com ¹postmasterenator@telitnetwork.in

¹ ² ³The authors have no conflict of interests related to this paper.

MAY 2023


Abstract: Relative time emerges from relative frequencies. It is the phase shift in relative frequencies due to infinitesimal loss in wave energy and corresponding enlargement in the wavelengths of oscillations; which occur in any clock between relative locations due to the relativistic effects or difference in gravitational potential; result error in the reading of clock time; which is wrongly presented as time dilation.

Comments: Minor errors rectified; Equations formatted; Version 2.1  DOI https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.22492066.v1

Keywords: phase shift, relativistic effects, wavelength dilation, piezoelectric crystal oscillator,


The Theory of Relativity adopts Minkowski spacetime that combines three-dimensional Euclidean space and fourth dimensional time into a four-dimensional manifold, wherein time is robbed of its independence, rather considered 'natural'.

The Theory of Relativity also conveys that the proper time is dependent on relativistic effects and expressed as 𝑡 < 𝑡′, where t' is time dilation. The equation of time dilation is 𝑡՚ = 𝑡/√(1 − 𝑣²/𝑐²) where 𝑡′ is dilated time, 𝑡 is proper time, v is relative speed, and c is the speed of light in free space.

The points in consideration here are –
  • 'Proper time' including 'relative time' is not natural or the event itself but an emerging concept, mathematical in character.
  • 'Space' is not natural or eventual itself but a three-dimensional extent as a mathematical concept.
  • Whether 'spacetime,' which combines three-dimensional Euclidean space and fourth-dimensional time into a four-dimensional manifold, is not natural, nor eventual itself, nor dependent  on relativistic effects but a four-dimensional extent as a mathematical concept.
  • Whether time is not distorted due to relativistic effects.
The conjectural equation of time dilation was based on Doppler's formula, which failed to identify any cause of time distortion. Whereas the wave equation; in the properties of a wave, in combination with the Planck equation has been able to successfully identify the distorted frequencies due to the relativistic effect that has the influence factor. The distorted frequencies in the equation yield a relative value of time for the corresponding wavelength dilation, which is erroneously known as time dilation.

This expression for time in time dilation contradicts the expression t=t' as in classical mechanics, where time is absolute. Stephen Hawking upheld the concept of imaginary time in his book "The Universe in a Nutshell". Time is defined as the indefinite continued progression of events in the past, present and future existences and considered as a whole, succeeding in irreversible and uniformed succession, which is referred to in the fourth dimension above the three spatial dimensions. Therefore, events invoke time but not vice versa. What special relativity represents in time dilation is not time, and time dilation does not have time. It is rather error in the clock oscillation.

Counterexamples such as experiments made on piezoelectric crystal oscillators show that wave distortions correspond to time distortions due to relativistic effects, thus disproving the conjectural equation of time dilation; and invalidates time dilation altogether. The time dilation equation 𝑡՚ = 𝑡/√(1 − 𝑣²/𝑐²) is wrong.

A scientific misconception in time dilation:
Events invoke time. The defect in the equation 𝑡՚ = 𝑡/√(1 − 𝑣²/𝑐²) is that relativistic effects, such as speed or gravity of the real events, can never interact with the proper time (𝑡) referred to in the fourth dimension. This means, the {1/√(1 − 𝑣²/𝑐²)} part of the equation cannot influence or interact with the proper time (𝑡) to enlarge it and get the time dilation (𝑡′) as in the equation. The piezoelectric crystal oscillators show that the error in wave corresponds to time shift due to relativistic effects.

The observations made on the effect of dark energy do not show anti-gravity, caused by dark energy, affects time in any manner, except causing enlargement in the wavelength due to expansion of space. It is naturally unauthorized and disprovable to enlarge the scale of proper time, instead of distortion in the wavelength of clock oscillation.Even very small changes in the gravitational forces (G-force) cause internal particles of matter to interact with each other, which is known to cause stresses and associated deformations in the internal matter.

Wavelength distortions, due to the phase shift in relative frequencies, correspond exactly to time distortion; through the relationship 𝜆 ∝ 𝑇, where 𝜆 denotes the wavelength and 𝑇 denotes the period of oscillation of the wave. So that relativistic effects, such as speed or gravitational potential differences, affect the clock mechanism because of phase shifts in the frequencies and corresponding increase in the wavelength of the clock oscillation, resulting errors in reading of the clock time, but incorrectly perceived as time dilation.

Real events in space never reach the fourth direction of time, either through interactions or relativistic effects such as motion or gravity. Events within space will not have a natural reach toward the dimension of proper time, so that eventual effects can never affect proper time beyond its ideal succession, to obtain time dilation. A clock reading should always follow the order of time sequence; otherwise, the external distortion will cause incorrect readings in the clock mechanism. The dimension of time is considered abstract rather, conceptual.

It would be wrong to try to change proper time like in the conjectural equation of time dilation. Relativistic effects cannot interact with proper time to get time dilation. Apart from this, the concept of time dilation defies the conventional scientific definition of time involving existence and events. Proper time should never be stripped of its independence and retained as 'natural' even in the four-dimensional continuum of spacetime. There is no time dilation anywhere; instead, the dilation of the wavelength of the clock oscillation causing errors in the clock time. Wavelength distortions mathematically correspond exactly to time distortions; as in 𝜆 ∝ 𝑇.

General Foundations:

Time is called 𝑇, the period of oscillation, so that 𝑇 = 2𝜋/𝜔. The reciprocal of the period, or the frequency 𝑓,in oscillations per second, is given by the expression 𝑓 = 1/𝑇 = 𝜔/2𝜋 = 𝐸/ℎ = 𝑣/𝜆. Where h is Planck constant, 𝑓, 𝑣, 𝜆, 𝑇 and 𝐸 respectively represent frequency, velocity, wavelength, time period and Energy of the wave.Doppler shift is the change in frequency of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source.

Time distortion always originates from wavelength distortion but the time dilation of special relativity is not understood from wavelength distortion and so it does not follow the general rules.
Special relativity does not escape the fundamental equivalence between wavelengths and time, which is much more general than special relativity.

Distortions of wavelengths exactly correspond to time distortions λT.
Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole, succeeding in irreversible and uniformed succession, referred to in the fourth dimension above three spatial dimensions. Therefore, time is not what special relativity presents as in time dilation and there is no time in time dilation. It is rather error the in wave.

Time is an imperceptible fourth dimensional concept so protected from relativistic effects like speed or gravity, nor it subject to real interference or influence or interaction with the cosmic events. The events rather invoke time.

The term cosmic time signifies a relationship between the time since the Big Bang and the events within the Universe. The distortion in proper time always originates from wavelength distortion, including in special relativity, and therefore proper time subject to synchronization with ideal time in near approximation, as done with the atomic clocks. 

Eperimental results:

Experiments made in electronic laboratories on piezoelectric crystal oscillators show that the wave corresponds to time shift due to relativistic effects.

We get the wavelength 𝜆 of a wave is directly proportional to the time period T of the wave, that is 𝜆 ∝ 𝑇, derived from the wave equation 𝑓 = 𝑣/𝜆 = 1/𝑇 = 𝐸/ℎ where h is Planck constant and 𝑓, 𝑣, 𝜆, 𝑇 and 𝐸 represent frequency, velocity, wavelength, time period and Energy of the wave respectively.
Whereas the time interval 𝑇(𝑑𝑒𝑔) for 1° of phase is inversely proportional to the frequency (𝑓). We get a wave corresponding to the time shift

For example, 1° phase shift on a 5 MHz wave corresponds to a time shift of 555 picoseconds (ps).
We know, 1° phase shift = 𝑇/360. As 𝑇 = 1/𝑓,
1° phase shift = 𝑇/360 = (1/𝑓)/360
For a wave of frequency 𝑓 = 5 𝑀𝐻𝑧, we get the phase shift (in degree°)
= (1/5000000)/360
= 5.55 𝑥 10ˉ¹º
= 555 𝑝𝑠.
Therefore, for 1° phase shift for a wave having a frequency 𝑓 = 5 𝑀𝐻𝑧, and so wavelength 𝜆 = 59.95 𝑚, the time shift (time delay) 𝛥𝑡 = 555 𝑝𝑠 (approx).

Moreover, for 360° phase shift or, 1 complete cycle for a wave having frequency 1Hz (of a 9192631770 Hz wave); the time shift (time delay) 𝛥𝑡 = 0.0000001087827757077666 ms (approx).
Time shift of the caesium-133 atomic clock in the GPS satellite: The GPS satellites orbit at an altitude of about 20,000 km. with a time delay of about 38 microseconds per day.

For 1455.50003025° phase shift (or, 4.043055639583333 cycles) of a 9192631770 Hz wave; time shifts (time delays) 𝛥𝑡 = 0.0000004398148148148148 𝑚𝑠 (approx)  or, 38 microsecond time is taken per day.


The phase shifts of frequency due to gravitational potential differences or relativistic effects correspond to dilation of wavelengths of the clock oscillation, which show errors in the clock reading and are misrepresented as time dilation. Time dilation is actually wavelength dilation.

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                                          15 January 2023

                                          Grounds relevant to time and space:

                                          1. 'Proper time' including 'relative time' is not natural or the event itself but an emerging concept, mathematical in character.

                                          2. 'Space' is not natural or eventual itself but a three- dimensional extent as a mathematical concept.

                                          3. Whether 'spacetime,' which combines three-dimensional Euclidean space and fourth- dimensional time into a four-dimensional manifold, is not natural, nor eventual itself, nor dependent on relativistic effects but a four-dimensional extent as a mathematical concept.

                                          4. Whether time is not distorted due to relativistic effects.

                                          #time #propertime #space #spacetime #concepts #event

                                          11 January 2023

                                          Mass frequency equivalence:

                                          Gravitational or inertial mass has an equivalent frequency according to the mass equation m·c^2 = h·f.

                                          f = m·c^2/h
                                          => kg·(m^2s^-2)/m^2·kg·s^-1
                                          => s^-1 (Hz.)
                                          The expression s^−1, the reciprocal of one second, is one hertz, it is a SI derived unit.

                                          The unit of mass (m) is kg. Where there is mass there is energy and where there is energy there is mass. The unit of energy (E) is Joule - which, in SI system, is kg⋅m^2⋅s^−2.
                                          Therefore, mass m = E/c^2 (kg⋅m^2⋅s^−2/m^2⋅s^-2) = E/c^2 kg.

                                          03 January 2023

                                          Gamma-ray detection:

                                          Gamma ray sources are notable on Earth, mostly from thunderstorms, nuclear explosions, and radioactive decay.

                                          However, detection of gamma rays from galaxies is very rare, and even if the Fermi Space Telescope does not detect any of them, this does not mean that galaxies do not emit gamma rays.

                                          In support of the first detection of gamma rays from galaxies, I quote from NASA articles titled, "Gamma-ray Astronomy - Imagine the Universe!"

                                          Gamma-ray detection is quoted below,

                                          "The first detection of significant gamma-ray emission from our galaxy was made in 1967 by the the gamma-ray detector aboard the OSO-3 satellite. In fact, OSO-3 also detected the first gamma-rays from outside our galaxy! All told, it detected 621 cosmic gamma rays."

                                          #detectionofgammaray #gammaray


                                          Wavelength that electron microscope can see at best:

                                          The entire electromagnetic wave force is carried by photons, and visible light is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, also at much lower frequencies, below gamma rays, X-rays, and ultraviolet radiation.

                                          Visible light occupies only frequencies above infrared, microwave and radio waves - the lowest in the electromagnetic spectrum.

                                          Therefore, electron microscopes, if at all, can only see wave frequencies higher than visible light, somewhere in the ultraviolet or, at best, the frequency range with wavelengths of about 10^-10 m.

                                          Whereas, the wavelength of maximum frequency of gamma rays will be about 1.24 x 10^-20 m,

                                          Therefore, the wavelength of gamma rays at the maximum possible frequency is about 10^-10 meters shorter than what most sensitive electron microscopes can see.

                                          However, with no known gamma ray microscope, we see that gamma rays emitted in the early years of the Big Bang are converted to longer wavelengths upon reception, which are detected by Earth-based receivers/antennas or space telescopes. 

                                          Gamma rays can be produced on Earth for experiments, moreover, gamma waves are produced by nuclear explosions, lightning, and less dramatic activity of radioactive decay on Earth.

                                          #electronmicroscope #gamnaray #wavelength

                                          01 January 2023

                                          About tiny vibrating strings:

                                          It is thought that the Universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings, smaller than the smallest subatomic particles. Strings are one-dimensional extended entities in physics. In string theory strings are primitive objects and cannot be made of anything. Strings propagate through space and interact with each other.

                                          Wikipedia notes, in physics, a string is a physical entity postulated in string theory and related topics.

                                          Since, a string is a hypothesized physical entity, and so it is actually a suggestion or assumption of its existence as an argument, discussion and a basic principle from which further concepts are developed.

                                          #string #strings 

                                          Abstraction of space and dimension

                                          Space is an infinite three-dimensional extent, where objects and events contain relative position and direction.

                                          Dimension is an extension of the abstract concept of mathematics. For example, a line is one-dimensional, a plane is two-dimensional and space is three-dimensional.

                                          Therefore, space is not an entity but an abstract concept.

                                          Reference: Explanation

                                          #space #dimension #extent #events #abstraction