15 April 2022

Fundamental interactions - Interaction between Gravity and Electromagnetism: (1-6)

1.    Fundamental interactions are irreducible forces those act between the elementary particles composing all matter. There are four fundamental forces in the universe - the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. They work over different ranges and have different strengths. The strong nuclear force is the strongest and gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces of nature, but gravity has a far reaching range.  

2.     The elementary particles are fundamental particle or subatomic particle those are not composed of other particles. The three basic types of known elementary particles are leptons, quarks and gauge bosons. The leptons type subatomic particle are electron, muon, or neutrino, they do not take part in the strong interaction. A quark is a fast-moving point of energy. The quarks make up an atom's nucleus, viz. protons and neutrons, each proton and neutron contains three quarks respectively. There are six types of quarks up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom.

3.    The gauge bosons are carrier particles for three of the four fundamental forces. A gauge boson is a bosonic elementary particle that acts as the force carrier for elementary fermions. Elementary particles, whose interactions are described by a gauge theory, interact with each other by the exchange of gauge bosons, usually as virtual particles. There are four kinds of gauge bosons. W and Z bosons, which carry the weak force. Gluons, which carry the strong force. Photons, which carry the electromagnetic force.

4.    A photon is an example of a boson as it has a spin of 1 and carries electromagnetism. A photon is an elementary particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation viz. radio waves, known as the quantum of the electromagnetic food. A photon carries the electromagnetic energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.

5.     Gravity and electromagnetism are two of the four fundamental forces, out of the four fundamental forces. There are many similarities between electromagnetic (EM) radiation and gravitational radiation - both travel at the speed of light; both carry energy away from their sources; both consist of transverse waves with two polarizations. The main difference between gravity and electromagnetism is that gravity is a force between masses whereas electromagnetism is a force between charges.

6.    A photon (electromagnetic radiation) interacts with gravitational radiation and carry away energy from their respective sources.

#FundamentalInteractions #ElementaryParticles #Gravity #Electromagnetism #Photon

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