31 December 2021

Question-Answer session - questioning Time Dilation:

        Some Terreck Brian Franks Questioned: I am struggling to understand how time is either speeding up or slowing down, when in reality it seems like our "devices to measure time" are impacted by different forces; and these forces may alter our devices for measuring time even though they don't alter time or cause time to speed up or slow down. I honestly admit I do not understand this but I want to. I hear gravity makes time occur at a different speed, but a neighboring planet may have a different gravity - yet I don't see how time speeds up or slows down, even if a clock (device to measure time) may run twice as fast. Wouldn't we acknowledge that the change is the device and not actual passing of time. 🤦‍♀️ why doesn't this make sense to me... lol

QA Session :

Question (1): I am struggling to understand how time is either speeding up or slowing down.  


At the outset, let me describe how time is defined through abstraction -

(i) "It is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole, succeeds in irreversible succession."

The above is scientific definition of abstract time. Abstraction is a conceptual process (the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events.)

Abstract time is referred in the fourth dimension, above three spatial dimensions - the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move. Note that dimension is a measurable extent of a particular kind, such as length, breadth, depth, or height.

However, in physical applications, time is operationally defined as -
(ii) 'What a clock reads.' - This is real representation through a near approximation of the abstract time.

(A1) Therefore, since abstract time succeeds in irreversible succession, its progression either be speeding up or slowing down, are INVALID.

Moreover, from the abstract definition of time above, it is obvious that the existential events, within the Universe, are responsible to invoke conceptual time - which is progressing in irreversible succession, in the fourth dimension. In addition to that, though the existential events are real in space, but since the abstract time itself is conceptual, so it does not depend on real events, but those events can only invoke abstract time.

Furthermore, since operational time is real representation of the abstract time but no clock can read time - ideal to the abstract time, as the gravitational influence exerts mechanical stress on the clock oscillator depending upon the gravitational potential where a clock is.

Question (2): In reality it seems that our "devices to measure time" are impacted by different forces;

(A2) Certainly yes, as the clocks are subject to mechanical stress corresponding to the gravitational potential, so the oscillation of such measuring devices are impacted by the mechanical stress due to the gravitational force.   

Question (3): These forces may alter our devices for measuring time even though they don't alter time.

(A3) Yes, correctly said. The corresponding gravitational force influence oscillation of the clocks, resulting frequency of the clock oscillator lowered out of a gravitational well, correspondingly its wavelength enlarged resulting a greater reading in time, but such greater reading is not because of time dilated but because of the temporary error for the mechanical stress due to gravitational force on the clock oscillator. This is a phenomenon of Wavelength Dilation and not Time Dilation.

Question (4): I honestly admit I do not understand this but I want to.

(A4) By now, you have probably understood what is happening in the background as described in the (A3) above. You have raised this question in the very right direction. 

Question (5): I hear gravity makes time occur at a different speed, but a neighbouring planet may have a different gravity.

(A5) You are intelligent enough, and also in very correct direction in raising this question. It is obvious that the speed results displacement of a body so that the gravitational potential on that speeding body lowers as it speeds out of a gravitational well, correspondingly resulting lower gravitational potential that less-influence that speeding body, correspondingly its frequency lowers and wavelength increases resulting increased oscillation in the clock oscillator, so the clock reads greater time due to such temporary mechanical error. But when that speeding body passes besides a neighbouring planet/body, the above said processes reverses and the clock starts reading lower time than the time it was reading out of its originating source of gravitation well.  

Question (6): acknowledge that the change - is the device and not actual passing of time - doesn't this make sense to me:

(A6) by now you know how intelligent you are and also how correct your way of thinking is. Definitely, one day you are going to be a great scientist! I have enough reasons to admit that. 

29 December 2021

Space and Time - the nature of relationship in their relation.

There is only abstract mathematical relationship between space and time, abstract relationship does not depend on reality, so time is independent from reality, existential events are real and also variable, and so there is the requirement of abstract, mathematical time.
However, time does not have interactable relationship with real events (so that events cannot interact with time) but events only invoke time, as time succeeds uniformly and irreversibly - according to its scale.
At the time of Einstein, Universe was not adequately known as it is known today, and so Einstein had to assume the universe as in a steady state, correspondingly infinite succession of time, but now we know that the universe is expanding and time has a beginning these makes Einstein's assumption about time and space was inadequate (This does not mean Einstein's discoveries were less important). Indeed Einstein's discoveries were remarkable but at the same time Einstein wrongfully interpreted character of time and space (those, now we now better).
Definition of time clearly transpires that real existential events invoke conceptual time, while time and space are dissimilar in characters, but there needs to be a mathematical relationship between events and time but not as in interactable relationship but abstract relationship (mathematical).

In a question of time dilation, time is represented on a mechanical clock:

Actually the real clock represents conceptual time within sixty uniformly-divisions of a clock dial having 360° circumference.

Now consider the case of time dilation, to accommodate dilated time, the uniformed divisions of seconds in the scale needs to be modified, but to accommodate dilated time within sixty uniformed divisions of second scale, a >360° dial circumference would be necessary, and this makes the concept of time dilation absurd. A dial can never be >360°.

Time dilation is actually wavelength dilation, in a relationship between λ∝T.  λ being real entity can be dilated but T being conceptual cannot be dilated but T would have corresponding mathematical values as per the dilated (modified) λ. Time dilation actually wavelength dilation.

#Time #TimeDilation #Clock

27 December 2021

How the James Webb Space Telescope (JWSP) going to see the early galaxies:

The James Webb Space Telescope can see real things back in time, as if one is travelling by a time machine. But it CAN'T see time.

My primitive idea of the Big Bang model drawn in the image beside, it was posted in Facebook five years ago on 27th December, 2016. Though, my entire idea has been enhanced and there are considerable differences now than my ideas as reflected in the image exactly five years ago, It's about the Big Bang, Inflation, expansion, early galaxies and those galaxies now. Since the inflation caused rapid expansion of the space much faster than the speed of light, the primitive galaxies then in the early universe too receded faster than the speed of light from their earlier locations to their current locations in the present Universe.

The light those radiated from the primitive galaxies became so slow; so that they have gone late and some of them are reaching us now - long after they were radiated.

Therefore, the James Webb Space Telescope can see them now, after so many billion years from their first radiation form those primitive galaxies.

However, this image may assist a novice person to visualise how the James Webb Space Telescope is going to see the earlier Universe, as it was soon after during the time of the Big Bang. One has to visualise the early universe as the small white balloon in the image and the present universe in sky balloon, both in common axis of time, the same galaxies are there on both of the surfaces of said balloons.

25 December 2021

A question in wavelength of photon having no mass:

Some Micha Markovic questioned, "when I think of light it helps me to think of it as either wavelength or particle but never both at the same time. I see Hubble red-shift as wavelength, like a spring that is getting stretched out due to inflation of space. Now what happens to photons in the same scenario? They probably loose context and get further apart thus lowering their combined energy as perceived by stationary objects. Never thought of this much because I mostly think of light as wavelength."

Replied -
Micha Markovic Everything in this universe, irrespective in the energy forms or matter forms, are considered as vibration or frequency. Each atoms in our body consonantly vibrating, energy is ultimately a manifestation of vibration.

The famous equation E = mc² is a mass - energy equivalence equation. Planck's equation E= hf= h*c/λ represents energy-frequency equivalence.

So irrespective of 'energy form' or 'material form,' each and every real entities in the universe are actually manifestation of vibration (frequency).

A mechanical clock, or crystal clock or atomic clock - all of them consisting of oscillators - built with materials having vibrating atoms, all these atoms and materials subject to influence by gravity as well as external energy and their vibrations change according to the external force applied on them, all form of clocks subject to influence by the gravity - known as mechanical stress due to gravitational force, cause wavelength change - enlargement when gravity is less..

Sound waves, are mechanical waves, its frequency between 20Hz and 20KHz, and its wavelength is between 17 m and 17 mm, travels at the speed of 343 m/s. Sound waves carry a small amount of mass with them as they travel.The kinetic energy of the moving material particle E = (mv²)/2 Joules, where its potential energy=0. They always travel as mechanical waves.

The wavelength (λ) of that mass-energy wave is directly proportional to the time period (T) of the wave derives the equation λ∝T, we get the wave corresponds to time shift, e.g. 1° phase shift on a 5 MHz wave corresponds to a time shift of 555 picoseconds. 
  • t=1/f.
    f = 5000000 Hz; 1° phase shift = t/360.
    t (deg) = (1/f)/360 = (1/5000000)/360
    = (5.55x10^-10) = 555 Picosecond.
This, one can experimentally observe in an electronic laboratory while measuring gravitational effect on piezoelectric crystals. This is called wavelength dilation - when gravitational effect is less.

Whereas, a photon itself is a vibrating, energetic particle; also behaves like wave, much more flexible to gravitational influence, so its influence through gravity is more, this causes red shift of the photon's oscillation - when out of a gravitational well, undisputed.

20 December 2021

Fundamental error in the equation T' = T√ (1-V²/C²) of time dilation.

The error in the equation T' = T√ (1-V²/C²) is that T can never be interfered with or influenced or interacted by any real event to get T' (Time Dilation). It would be illegal operation to interfered with the conceptual, uniformed and also irreversible succession of time (T). 

T and T' can be two different values of time, but T' cannot be obtained by modifying T by any real influence or real interaction or real speed or anything real, simply for the reason that time (as fourth dimensional concept) is not intractable by anything in reality. Events can only invoke time.



1. The time dilation equation itself is a misapplication. .
2. Time dilation as in Special Relativity Contradicts some interpretation of General relativity when considering a photon's red shifting..
3. In laboratories, we get the wave corresponds to time shift, e.g. 1° phase shift on a 5 MHz wave corresponds to a time shift of 555 picoseconds.
f = 5000000 Hz; 1° phase shift = t/360.
t (deg) = (1/f)/360 = (1/5000000)/360
= 555 Picoseconds.
This, one can experimentally observe in an electronic laboratory while measuring gravitational effect on piezoelectric crystals. This is called wavelength dilation - when gravitational potential is less.
4. The equation E = mc² - a mass-energy equivalence equation. And Planck's equation E= hf= h*c/λ represents energy-frequency equivalence. These derives λ∝T - when λ is real entity hence dilatable, and T is conceptual entity and not intractable by real influences. This makes Wavelength Dilation and results respective values of T, but such variable values of T are not because of its own dilation rather dilation of the λ making time dilation invalid.
5. The succession of time is conceptual, irreversible (in its uniformed scale), in case of a clock dial; sixty uniformed divisions of seconds need to be within a circle of 360° exactly, it cannot be > 360° (to accommodate time dilation), nor can be < 360° (to accommodate time reduction.)

Relevance: Mechanical Stress due to Gravitational force (g-force): Wavelength Dilation:

Reference: Frequency and Time relationship

Soumendra Nath Thakur 


#TimeDilation #WavelengthDilation #MechanicalStreet #GravitationalForce

11 December 2021

A glimpse of the universe throughout the Big Bang:

It is necessary to consider that the space within a galaxy does not expand. The galaxies are gravitationally bound from within their respective centres, therefore, the light that reaching our eyes form the stars within our galaxy don't experience any such effect that may have caused due to the expansion of space. Besides, there is a zero gravity sphere around all the galaxies, the space beyond that can only expand. Only the space between the galaxies expands due to the effect of mysterious dark energy.
However, the rate of expansion is greater as we approach towards the edge of the visible universe. At the edge of the visible universe the galaxies are receding faster than the speed of light and entering into the invisible universe for ever. Light from such distance can never reach us.

Moreover, the age of the universe is known to be 13.8 billion years and the universe has expanded much more than 46.5 billion 'light years' during that time, but the visibility of light is to the extend of 46.5 billion light years, beyond that light cannot reach us, as the invisible universe starts there.

Therefore, since the expansion of space was much faster than the speed of light during inflation, so some form of signals from that originating location still can reach us where our visibility is extended till the boundary of invisibility at 46.5 billion light years.

Furthermore, we are not located at the edge of the universe but more within it, as such some form of signal originated during 13.8 light years ago can still reach us; as space expanded much faster than the speed of light during that inflation of the universal space, making some of those originating energy slower than us and to reach us late.

In this sense, though there is no definite centre of the present Universe, but the point of the Big Bang may be considered the centre point of the Universe, which we have left 13.8 billion years ago.

 Read What was there before the Big Bang?


Those Laws of Physics are fragile if based on time, as the concept of time itself is fragile in reality.

Time is indeed a concept and not a real entity as existential events invoke time. What one sees on a clock is the real representation of conceptual time.

Moreover, time does not occupy any of the three perceptible dimensions of space - length, breadth, depth - rather time can prevail in imperceptible, fourth dimensional state, when a lower, three dimensional reality within space would have no influence on time, only such three dimensional existential events can invoke time. The succession of time is irreversible, independent from any external, existential influence within three dimensional space.

Time is more of an abstract concept; like the abstraction in Mathematics - the process of extracting the underlying structures, patterns or properties of a mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real world objects with which it might originally have been connected.

It is wrong to interpret that Time is a real thing. Rather time is a concept.

 Read What was there before the Big Bang?


28 November 2021

What was there before the Big Bang?

Before we understanding what was there before the Big Bang, one needs to know the respective conditions before and after the Big Bang so as to enable us to realise what was there before the Big Bang. 

The Cosmic Microwave Background as seen from the Planck satellite.
The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) of the Universe as seen from the Planck satellite.
The Big Bang, we know, was the event of rapid expansion of space, known as inflation, from a point like state, corresponding distribution of ultra hot, dense primordial energy in infinite gravity, and the beginning of time. 
  1. The above phenomenon conveys the formation of three dimensional space out of a no-dimensional point.
  2. The phenomenon also conveys distribution and corresponding cooling of the energy that formed the present visible, as well as invisible universe we inhibit, however the energy behind the rapid expansion of the space seems absent in the Big Bang model (or may be not clearly known to me but it is certain that some dominating energy there required to counter-act the infinite gravity at the 0th  second of the Big Bang). [As far as cosmologists can tell, the mysterious force behind the accelerated expansion of the universe, a force that we call dark energy, remains constant. But it may not have done so in the past.(ref#1) The Universe is approximately 13.8 billion years old. However, The acceleration of this expansion due to dark energy began after the universe was already over 7.7 billion years old (5.4 billion years ago) (ref#2).]
  3. Since the Big Bang was the beginning of the events in the primordial existence of energy, so reasonably it was the beginning of time too, (as for time to exist, both existence and events are necessary, and existence without events won't invoke time).

Therefore, from the above said items (1 to 3) or phenomenon. It is obvious that before the Big Bang there was no dimension or the absence of three dimensional space (but it may or may not be a lower dimension).

Moreover, we are three dimensional lives and we can perceive things between one and three dimensions that too when these dimensions existing within our three dimensional space. And.

If the universe was in no-dimensional point or in one dimensional state and without space, such an universe would be a meaningless proposition  to us.

#1 https://www.space.com/universe-age-14-billion-years-old
#2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation_(cosmology)


16 September 2021

A question in the formation of black holes:

It is imminent due to the exhausted Hydrogen atoms in the nuclear fusion of a sufficiently massive star and its strong gravity that collapses such a dead star that stopped its nuclear fusion. The lack of gravitational compression in the core will cause the process of nuclear fusion to stop, since there will no longer be any force capable of fusing atomic nuclei together.

Nuclear fusion is the process that powers active or main sequence stars and other high-magnitude stars, where large amounts of energy are released. Energy released in most nuclear reactions is much larger than in chemical reactions, because the binding energy that holds a nucleus together is greater than the energy that holds electrons to a nucleus.

The difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or the absorption of energy. So the difference in mass arises due to the difference in atomic binding energy between the nuclei before and after the reaction in a nuclear fusion.

After the supply of hydrogen is exhausted in the cores of stars heavy enough, their cores start fusing helium to carbon.

In the most massive stars, the process is continued until some of their energy is produced by fusing lighter elements to iron. Iron has one of the highest binding energies; reactions producing heavier elements are generally endothermic.

Therefore significant amounts of heavier elements are not formed during stable periods of massive star evolution, but are formed in supernova explosions. Most black holes form from the remnants of a large star that dies in a supernova explosion.

#NuclearFusion #BlackHole

15 September 2021

The waves – electromagnetic and mechanical (sound):

The electromagnetic waves are energy carrying waves. The orders of electromagnetic waves from highest to lowest energy are - gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, and radio waves. 

The seven types of electromagnetic waves with applications are - Radio waves: Communication; Microwaves: Heating and data transmission; Infrared waves: Used in remote control and imaging applications; Visible light: Help us see everything around us; Ultraviolet Waves: Useful in the study of galaxies; X-rays: Medical instruments to view bone structure; Gamma rays: Nuclear energy.


Waves                    Frequency Range (Hz)    Wavelength Range

Gamma-rays         10^20 - 10^24                < 10-12 m

X-rays                   10^17 - 10^20                1 nm - 1 pm

Ultraviolet             10^15 - 10^17                400 nm - 1 nm

Visible                   4-7.5*10^14                   750 nm - 400 nm

Near-infrared        1*10^14 - 4*10^14        2.5 μm - 750 nm

Infrared                 10^13 - 10^14                25 μm - 2.5 μm

Microwaves           3*10^11 - 10^13           1 mm - 25 μm

Radio waves          3*10^3 < 3*10^11          > 1 mm

The energy of a single photon is E=hf or (h/2Ï€) ω where 'h' is Planck's constant 6.626×10^−34 Joule.Second. They always travel at the speed of light i.e. 3x10^8 m/s.

The lowest energy radio waves travel at the speed of light, the electromagnetic spectrum is longer than infrared light and they have frequencies from 300 GHz to as low as 3 kHz.

Notable categories of mechanical waves are - transverse waves, longitudinal waves, and surface waves.

Sound waves, are mechanical waves, its frequency between 20Hz and 20KHz, and its wavelength is between 17 m and 17 mm, and travel at the speed of 343 m/s. Sound waves carry a small amount of mass with them as they travel.

The kinetic energy of the moving material particle E = (mv^2)/2 Joules, where its potential energy=0. They always travel as mechanical waves.




14 September 2021

The Universal birth of Chemistry - Helium hydride (HeH+):

The most abundant elements in the universe - Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He):
Hydrogen (H) is the lightest and the most abundant element in the universe, it has one proton, no neutron and one electron with an atomic number of 1, it is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, and highly flammable, diatomic gas.

Helium (He) is the second most abundant element in the universe, it has two protons, two neutrons and two electrons with an atomic number of 2, it is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic, noble gas - the first in the noble gas group. It is the smallest and the lightest noble gas.

Fusion is the process that powers the sun and the stars:
The fusion of Hydrogen nuclei uses up Hydrogen (H) to produce Helium (He) and energy, Hydrogen is the fuel for the process. This is called nuclear fusion. Fusion is the process that powers the Sun and the stars. It takes four Hydrogen (H) atoms to fuse into each Helium (He) atom. During the process some of the mass of the Hydrogen is converted into energy. Thus fusion has the potential to be a limitless source of energy. As the Hydrogen is used up, the core of the star condenses and heats up even more.

The noble gases - the majestic gases don't likely to react with anything:
The noble gases, also called inert gases or aerogens, are all odourless, colourless, monatomic gases with very low chemical reactivity. Helium (He) itself is a noble gas making it very unlikely to combine with any other kind of atom.

The universal birth of chemistry- Hydrogen (H) bond to Helium (He):
A Helium (He) atom bonded to a Hydrogen (H) atom 'one electron removed' produce Helium hydride (HeH+). It is viewed as protonated helium. It is the lightest heteronuclear ion, and is known to be the first compound formed in the Universe after the Big Bang; at a time called the 'dawn of chemistry'. It is a positively charged stable molecule and the strongest acid known. Scientists have deduced from evidence and reasoning that Helium Hydride (HeH+) was the first, primordial molecule in the Universe. It is an excessively particular molecule.

#HeliumHydride #NobleGas #Fusion#Helium #Hydrogen #birthofchemistry

Anything before the Big Bang in a question:

Space & the Universe is expanding at an ever accelerating speed, this indicates once the Universe was smaller than it is now; up to a point form.

A state prior to the Big Bang necessarily needs to be a point form, having no dimension, besides space and time (those we know) cannot be there before the Big Bang. Prior to the Big Bang, it was a no dimensional singularity with gravity infinite. 
Immediately after the Big Bang and before a non-inflationary time classified as a Planck time i.e. 10^-43 seconds, it was not possible for any subatomic particles - e.g. nuclei, electrons or photons - to be existed then, it was too hot and dense for any particles to be stable, as all the known form of interactions must be united then as gravity - in absence of anything intractable; either through strong or weak nuclear interactions, or electromagnetic interaction, except gravitational interaction, - but then the first quarks formed.
Since we reside in three dimensional world; anything beyond that would be imperceptible to us, also anything in such extra dimensional state naturally would be a meaningless proposition to us.

13 September 2021

Consequence in time for time as emergent property of the events:

Time does not run slower or faster, as time can only read more or less time on a clock.
Time dilation proposition attempts to convey the difference in the elapsed time as measured by two clocks. It is either due to a relative velocity between them or to a difference in gravitational potential between their locations.

However, time dilation is a defective proposition as this violates character of time.  Time is not dilatable since time is the emergent property of the events, whereas events invoke time. The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole, in irreversible succession is know as time. Time would not exist in absence of events even if there is existence without space. Therefore, for time to exist both events and space is a prerequisite. Events are real three dimensional and time is conceptual single dimensional conceptualised as residing in the fourth, imperceptible dimension. Events are real and time is conceptual. Events invoke readings of time on the clock.

A frame of reference in space is the Universal three dimensional frame of reference for everything, and events take place within it. So even if one imposes a moving local frame of reference relative to another observer on Earth even then, both frame of references between the observer and the moving one would be the one, within the Universal three dimensional frame of reference ultimately.

Therefore, no influence or interaction can slow down time but frequencies of the events can be lowered, hence, for an external observer wavelength of the moving mass-energy body can be enlarged due to a relative velocity between them or to a difference in gravitational potential between their locations.

It is rather wavelength dilation in the event and not time dilation.