14 December 2022

Tug of war between gravity and antigravity:

Gravity pulls galaxies closer together; dark energy pushes them apart. 

Whether the universe is expanding or contracting depends on which force dominates, gravity or dark energy.

Scientifically it is understood that inside galaxies baryonic and dark matters overcome dark energy so gravity wins and keeps galaxies together but when it comes to intergalactic space, it is said that dark energy overcomes baryonic and dark matters and wins the fight, so galaxies are moving away.

Besides there is zero gravity spheres around each gravitationally bound objects, either in galactic form or any forms of clusters of galaxies. 

It is understood that the gravitating mass of dark energy is <0. 

#DarkEnergy #antigravity #baryonicmatter #darkmatter #gravity

12 December 2022

Predictions interpreted for non-gravitational wave particles:

There appears to be no limit to the speed of non-gravitational energetic wave particles, as their effective mass can be less than zero < 0, they appear to travel faster than the speed of electromagnetic radiation in intergalactic space. 

If, at all, such wave particles are gravitationally bound, then the point of universal singularity should be the locational point at which the entire universal mass once existed.

অ-মহাকর্ষীয় তরঙ্গ কণার ব্যাখ্যাকৃত পূর্বাভাস:

অ-মহাকর্ষীয় কর্মশক্তিপূর্ণ তরঙ্গ কণার গতিতে কোন সীমাবদ্ধতা নেই বলে মনে হয়, কারণ তাদের কার্যকর ভর শূন্য <0 এর কম হতে পারে, মনে হয় তারা আন্তঃগ্যালাকটিক মহাকাশে ইলেক্ট্রোম্যাগনেটিক বিকিরণের গতির চেয়ে দ্রুত গতিতে চলে। 

যদি, আদৌ, এই ধরনের তরঙ্গ কণাগুলি মহাকর্ষীয়ভাবে আবদ্ধ হয়, তাহলে সর্বজনীন এককতার বিন্দুটি এমন অবস্থানগত বিন্দু হওয়া উচিত যেখানে সমগ্র বিশ্বজনীন ভর বিদ্যমান ছিল।

11 December 2022

Relationship among frequency, phase shift (in degree) and time period:

• The wave (electromagnetic wave carried by photon - gauge boson) starts at the 0-degree phase (0 radians) and has no amplitude.

• The wave reaches positive peak amplitude at the 90-degree phase (0.5π radians).

• The wave returns to its amplitude rest position at the 180-degree phase (π radians).

• The wave reaches negative peak amplitude at the 270-degree phase (1.5π radians)

• Finally, the wave reaches zero peak amplitude at the 360-degree phase (2π radians).

Frequency (f) is inversely proportional to the period of its oscillation i.e. f=1/T.

A complete cycle of wave (i.e. f=1Hz) consists of 360° of phase.

=> 1° phase shift = T/360.

=> 90° phase shift = 90T/360.

=> 180° phase shift = 180T/360.

=> 270° phase shift = 270T/360.

=> 360° phase shift = T (=360T/360)

This means a complete cycle of wave (f= 1 Hz) has 360° of its phase.

Time period (T) of a cycle (with 360° phase) of wave, when it's frequency f=1 Hz.

And therefore, 360° phase = T (period of the wave).


#frequency #wave #cycle #phaseshift #degree

The limit in velocity of gravitationally bound objects according to Max Planck:

There is a certain speed limit to which gravitationally bound objects can travel.

However, such a constraint does not apply to metric expansion within intergalactic space affected by antigravity caused by dark energy; whose effective mass is less than zero (< 0).

Max Planck showed us that anything beyond the threshold frequency would become meaningless to us. The Planck length is the smallest possible length beyond which the application of known laws of physics becomes meaningless. So that the Planck length is the limit at which frequency wavelengths can be meaningful to us, but beyond that limit any information that the frequency carries will disappear to us.

Accordingly, the velocity of electromagnetic waves, or light, is equal to one Planck length per Planck time; the limit to which gravitationally bound objects can travel. This value is equal to c.

  • Planck mass ~ 22 microgram.
  • Planck time ~ 5.39×10^−44 s.
  • Planck length ~ 1.61626×10^−35 m
  • c =~3x10^8 m/s.

Thus, before relativity came into existence, Planck's law could have determined the speed limit of light.