05 August 2024

Erroneous Transformations: Lorentz Factor in Classical Mechanics

Soumendra Nath Thakur
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1871-7803



The Lorentz factor,  γ = 1/√(1-v²/c²), is a mathematical construct developed by Hendrik Lorentz and later incorporated into Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity. This factor, along with its associated transformations, introduces concepts specific to relativistic mechanics that deviate from classical mechanics. While the Lorentz factor and transformations are integral to special relativity, they can be seen as "simple transformations" within relativity, contrasting with the "deformations" observed in classical mechanics. Classical mechanics remains effective in describing motion and gravitational interactions, even at speeds approaching the speed of light, as evidenced by research on the Coma cluster of galaxies by A. D. Chernin et al., which integrates classical mechanics with considerations of dark energy and local dynamical effects. The Lorentz factor’s role in special relativity highlights the non-intuitive modifications introduced by relativity to classical concepts. Ultimately, it serves as a mathematical tool rather than a physical theory, reflecting Einstein's unconventional integration of mathematical concepts into physical theory.

(Here comes the explanation, proof, and examples for the above statement...)

04 August 2024

Critique of Gravitational Lensing and Spacetime Distortion

Soumendra Nath Thakur

The original post raised questions about the inapplicability of time dilation in special relativity (1905) on a standardized time scale. While time dilation is indeed not applicable on a standardized time scale, the comment questions the phenomenon of gravitational lensing as predicted by general relativity theory (1916).

Gravitational lensing occurs when a large amount of matter creates a gravitational field that distorts and magnifies light from distant galaxies. However, the phenomenon of gravitational lensing is not a consequence of spacetime curvature but rather the symmetric exchange of photon momentum (Δρ). This relationship between the external gravitational field and object motion raises questions about the necessity of including spacetime distortion in gravitational theory.

The behaviour of photons in strong external gravitational fields reveals the interactions between photon energy, momentum, and wavelength. The conservation principles involved demonstrate how changes in wavelength affect photon energy while maintaining total energy constancy. The direct impact of the gravitational field on object motion is proven to be indisputable in eradicating spacetime distortion

Why Time Dilation is Not Possible
A 360° time scale is always fixed, and a 360° clock dial cannot be greater than >360° or less than <360°. Thus, the 360° movement of the hour hand or second hand should be exactly one hour and one minute, respectively. Any deviations from this should be known as an error in time. This is why time dilation is not possible since a 360° time scale cannot accommodate dilated time unless there is an error in time. 

01 August 2024

Coordinate Transformation and Time Distortion: The Interdependence of Space and Time in Relativistic Spacetime

Soumendra Nath Thakur



In the context of relativistic interpretation, time dilation (t′) induces a transformation in spacetime coordinates, impacting the entire spacetime fabric and resulting in changes in the coordinates (x', y', z', t'). This dilation, reflecting the fusion of space and time into a unified four-dimensional continuum, alters the perception of events. Specifically, an event P occupying spacetime will experience changes due to the interdependence of space and time in special relativity. Consequently, the coordinates of event P in the moving frame will differ from those in the rest frame, illustrating the relativistic effects of time dilation on the spacetime continuum.

In relativistic physics, the fusion of space and time into spacetime implies that variations in the time coordinate (due to time dilation) are accompanied by corresponding changes in spatial coordinates. This interdependence is governed by Lorentz transformations, which maintain the invariance of the spacetime interval for all observers. Thus, dilation in the time coordinate leads to corresponding changes in spatial coordinates, culminating in a transformation of both time and space, known as spacetime dilation.

As a result, the event P, situated within such dilated spacetime, will be affected by this distortion. The perception and coordinates of event P in the moving frame will reflect the relativistic effects of dilation on spacetime, leading to differences from those in the rest frame. This underscores that time dilation can be viewed as a form of time distortion due to relativistic effects.


Time dilation, Spacetime coordinates, Lorentz transformations, Relativistic effects, Minkowskian spacetime, Spacetime continuum, Four-dimensional continuum, Event perception, Relativistic distortion, Spacetime interval, Special relativity, Coordinate transformation, Spacetime dilation, Spacetime interdependence,

Cosmic Expansion: Describes how the distance between cosmic objects increases over time, which can be represented as:

t₀ < (t₀+Δt) = t₁ → (x₀,y₀,z₀,t₀) < (x₁,y₁,z₁,t₁)

Where (t₁ - t₀) = elapsed time.

Space-Time Dilation: Reflects how time dilation in relativistic contexts affects space-time coordinates:

t < t′ → (x,y,z,t) < (x′,y′,z′,t′)

Where t′ is dilated time

In the context of relativistic interpretation, time dilation (t′) induces a transformation in spacetime coordinates, impacting the entire spacetime fabric and resulting in changes in the coordinates (x', y', z', t'). This dilation, reflecting the fusion of space and time into a unified four-dimensional continuum, alters the perception of events. Specifically, an event P occupying spacetime will experience changes due to the interdependence of space and time in special relativity. Consequently, the coordinates of event P in the moving frame will differ from those in the rest frame, illustrating the relativistic effects of time dilation on the spacetime continuum.

Spacetime dilation:

In relativistic physics, the fusion of space and time into spacetime implies that variations in the time coordinate (due to time dilation) are accompanied by corresponding changes in spatial coordinates. This interdependence is governed by Lorentz transformations, which maintain the invariance of the spacetime interval for all observers. Thus, dilation in the time coordinate leads to corresponding changes in spatial coordinates, culminating in a transformation of both time and space, known as spacetime dilation.

As a result, the event P, situated within such dilated spacetime, will be affected by this distortion. The perception and coordinates of event P in the moving frame will reflect the relativistic effects of dilation on spacetime, leading to differences from those in the rest frame. This underscores that time dilation can be viewed as a form of time distortion due to relativistic effects.


Cosmic Expansion:

t₀ < t₁ = (t₀+Δt) → (x₀,y₀,z₀,t₀) < (x₁,y₁,z₁,t₁)

Where (t₁ - t₀) = (Δt) (elapsed time), 


• c is the speed of light, considered a constant.

• The distance between event points (x₁,y₁,z₁,t₁) - (x₀,y₀,z₀,t₀) is greater than c.

Space-Time Dilation: 

t < t′ → (x,y,z,t) < (x′,y′,z′,t′)

Where t′ is dilated time, 


• Dilated time t′ - t ≠ Δt (change in time)

• c is constant in the rest frame. 

• c ≠ constant in the moving frame.

• t′ - t ≠ Δt (change in time).

Comparison between Cosmic Expansion and Space-Time Dilation: 

• For constants:

(x₀,y₀,z₀,t₀) = (x,y,z,t)

• For dilation:

(x₁,y₁,z₁,t₁) ≠ (x′,y′,z′,t′)

Explanation and Analysis:

1. Cosmic Expansion:

• Describes how distances between cosmic objects increase over time due to the expansion of the universe.

• The elapsed time Δt represents the time interval during which this expansion occurs.

• The speed of light c is constant, but the distance between event points can exceed c due to the expanding universe.

2. Space-Time Dilation:

• Reflects the relativistic effect where time dilates (slows down) for objects in motion relative to an observer or in a strong gravitational field.

• The dilated time t′ differs from the uniformed change in time Δt, indicating the effects of relative motion or gravity.

• The speed of light c remains constant in the rest frame but may vary in the moving frame due to relativistic effects.

3. Comparison:

• Cosmic expansion deals with large-scale cosmological phenomena driven by factors like dark energy, leading to an increase in distances between cosmic objects.

• Space-time dilation deals with local relativistic effects where the fusion of space and time leads to changes in the perception of events and coordinates.

• The comparison highlights that while both phenomena involve changes in space and time, their causes and scales are different. Cosmic expansion is a large-scale effect, whereas space-time dilation is a relativistic effect experienced locally.

This explanatory presentation provides a clearer distinction between cosmic expansion and space-time dilation, emphasizing their unique characteristics and how they affect space-time differently

31 July 2024

Is space-time dilation conceptually equivalent to space-time expansion?

Relativistic space-time is described as a four-dimensional continuum comprising three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. In this framework, space and time are interwoven, forming an integrated space-time fabric. As time dilates due to relativistic effects, does this interconnected nature imply a dilation of space-time as a whole?

For context:

Cosmic Expansion: Describes how the distance between cosmic objects increases over time, which can be represented as:

t₀ < (t₀+Δt) = t₁ → (x₀,y₀,z₀,t₀) < (x₁,y₁,z₁,t₁)

Where (t₁ - t₀) = elapsed time.

Space-Time Dilation: Reflects how time dilation in relativistic contexts affects space-time coordinates:

t < t′ → (x,y,z,t) < (x′,y′,z′,t′)

Where t′ is dilated time

Given these representations, can the concept of space-time dilation be viewed as a form of space-time expansion in terms of their consequences?

Cosmic expansion is not relativistic distortion in space-time but rather a distinct large-scale cosmological phenomenon:

Cosmic expansion is not a relativistic effect nor is it a subject of relativity in the same sense as relativistic space-time dilation. Cosmic expansion refers to the large-scale increase in distances between cosmic objects, driven by phenomena such as dark energy or anti-gravitational fields. In this view, the increase in distances between cosmic objects describes the expansion of space over time.

This is distinct from the dilation of relativistic space-time, which concerns local variations in space and time due to relative motion or gravitational fields.

Thus, the recession of galaxies due to dark energy or anti-gravitational effects is not an expansion of relativistic space-time but rather a large-scale cosmological phenomenon.