13 August 2024

Relativistic Transformations as Classical Mechanics Deformations:

Soumendra Nath Thakur

Relativistic Lorentz transformations, a mathematical framework, are often associated with effects such as time dilation, length contraction, and perceived mass changes in moving objects. In relativity, these phenomena are interpreted as consequences of spacetime distortion. However, this interpretation deviates from classical mechanics and does not align with human perception, which may introduce potential flaws.

In classical mechanics, the velocities involved in Lorentz transformations are linked to mechanical forces that induce physical deformations in moving objects. These deformations are incorrectly represented as relativistic effects rather than mechanical ones. Additionally, Lorentz transformations do not account for the acceleration needed to transition objects from a rest frame to a moving frame. This acceleration, which occurs during classical motion, causes significant deformation in the moving object—a factor that is overlooked in relativistic models, leading to errors in relative calculations.

Furthermore, relativistic Lorentz transformations are purely mathematical constructs and do not correspond to the physical deformations of objects. Time dilation, as described in relativity, is viewed as a misrepresentation from the perspective of classical mechanics, where mechanical distortion is considered the cause of errors in time measurement, rather than true time dilation.

A 360-degree clock, designed for standard time measurement, cannot accommodate the concept of enlarged time or time dilation.

Overall, relativistic transformations only partially account for object distortions, leading to clock time distortion rather than actual time dilation. This suggests that the concept of spacetime distortion proposed by relativity may not fully explain the effects attributed to it, including time dilation and relativistic transformations.

Key Points and Their Alignment with Other Disciplines:

Mechanical Forces and Deformations:
In classical mechanics, deformations due to mechanical forces are well understood and analysed without considering relativistic effects. This approach is consistent with classical mechanics and materials science, which focus on physical changes in objects due to forces and motion, regardless of relativistic considerations.

Acceleration and Object Deformation:
Emphasis on acceleration-induced deformations is consistent with classical dynamics and continuum mechanics. These fields focus on physical changes in objects resulting from forces and acceleration. The reasoning suggests that relativistic models may fail to account for such deformations, leading to potential inaccuracies in describing physical reality.

Time and Measurement:
The concept of time dilation, when viewed from a classical mechanics perspective, raises concerns. Time errors are understood as resulting from mechanical distortions rather than relativistic effects. This perspective aligns with traditional clock-based timekeeping and Newtonian physics, where time is considered absolute and not subject to dilation, contrasting with the relativistic approach.

Mathematical Representation vs. Physical Reality:
The view that Lorentz transformations are purely mathematical constructs rather than representations of physical reality is consistent with classical physics. In this context, mathematical models describe physical phenomena based on classical principles, without invoking spacetime curvature or relativistic effects, which are seen as flawed or inconsistent with classical interpretations.

Divergence from Modern Physical Science:

Modern Physics and Relativity:
The analysis challenges the framework and role of relativistic transformations and time dilation, which, although experimentally validated, are considered integral to understanding high-velocity systems within relativity. For instance, piezoelectric crystal oscillator experiments show a wave corresponding to a time shift due to relativistic effects, such as a 1455.50° phase shift of a 9192631770 Hz wave, leading to a time distortion (time delay) of approximately 0.0000004398148148148148 ms (38 microseconds per day). However, quantum mechanics and certain aspects of cosmology do not necessarily accept or rely on the relativistic concepts of time dilation and curved spacetime. These fields may operate under different principles or explore alternative models that do not depend on relativistic effects.

Consistency with Non-Relativistic Disciplines:
The contentions are consistent with classical physics and non-relativistic disciplines. However, the analysis diverges from modern physics principles that rely on relativity, particularly in high-velocity systems. While quantum field theory and astrophysics often incorporate relativistic concepts, the reasoning suggests that quantum mechanics and some areas of cosmology do not fully accept or rely on the relativistic view of spacetime distortion or time dilation. This highlights the divergence from relativity in these fields.


This analysis aligns with classical mechanics and other non-relativistic disciplines, focusing on mechanical forces, object deformations, and time measurement without relativistic effects. It challenges the principles of relativity, particularly spacetime curvature and time dilation. The analysis notes that certain fields, like quantum mechanics and aspects of cosmology, may not fully accept relativistic principles. The validity of relativistic transformations and time dilation is questioned based on recent interpretations and experimental findings, such as those involving piezoelectric crystal oscillators, suggesting that time distortion might be a more accurate description of observed phenomena. This divergence raises important questions about the applicability of relativistic concepts across various areas of physical science.

Time Arises Through Events, Not the Reverse

Events necessitate the existence of time, rather than time dictating the occurrence of events. The very notion of time emerges only through the presence of events; without events—i.e., without changes in existence—time would hold no significance. In a hypothetical scenario devoid of events, where no change occurs in existence, time would not manifest. Time is, therefore, inherently tied to the occurrence of events, marking the changes within existence. The initiation of the universe, as proposed by the Big Bang, represents the first event, signifying the inception of time itself.

The Emergence of Time and the Big Bang: A Synthesis of Events, Existence, and Cosmological Evidence

13 August 2024

Events necessitate the existence of time, rather than time dictating the occurrence of events. The very notion of time emerges only through the presence of events; without events—i.e., without changes in existence—time would hold no significance. In a hypothetical scenario devoid of events, where no change occurs in existence, time would not manifest. Time is, therefore, inherently tied to the occurrence of events, marking the changes within existence. The initiation of the universe, as proposed by the Big Bang, represents the first event, signifying the inception of time itself.

The Big Bang theory postulates a primordial state of uneventful existence preceding the Big Bang event, which catalysed the unfolding of the universe. This suggests that time commenced with the advent of both existence and events, rather than with the mere existence of events. The theory does not suggest the presence of events before the Big Bang; hence, any pre-Big Bang existence without events would not give rise to the concept of time. Consequently, without empirical evidence of events predating the Big Bang, it is futile to conceptualize time in that context, as time cannot account for what preceded the Big Bang in the absence of events.

The assertion that 'the Big Bang is a mathematical calculation based on reverse engineering of an expanding Universe' is an oversimplification.

Three pivotal scientific discoveries strongly underpin the Big Bang theory:
  1. Hubble's discovery in the 1920s of the relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its velocity, evidencing the expansion of space.
  2. The detection of cosmic microwave background radiation in the 1960s.
  3. The observed abundances of elements in the universe.
These discoveries can be succinctly summarized as:

  • The redshift of galaxies.
  • The cosmic microwave background.
  • The distribution of elements.
  • The ability to observe the universe's history.
The redshift observed in the light from distant galaxies indicates that the universe is expanding, making distant galaxies appear closer in time. The Big Bang theory predicts the existence of a pervasive 'glow,' detectable as microwave radiation, which has been confirmed by astronomers using orbiting detectors. Furthermore, the chemical elements such as hydrogen and helium, formed shortly after the Big Bang, differ in abundance from those in newer stars, which contain material synthesized by older stars. The evidence from these distant galaxies aligns more consistently with the Big Bang theory than with the steady-state theory.

12 August 2024

Reinterpreting Time Dilation as an Error in Time: Preserving the Constancy of the Speed of Light

Soumendra Nath Thakur


The concept of time dilation, traditionally understood within the framework of relativity, is reinterpreted as an error in the measurement or perception of time rather than a genuine physical phenomenon. By analysing the wave equation λ = cT, where λ is the wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period, it is contended that dilation in T introduces inconsistencies in the equation by potentially violating the constancy of c. Instead, this dilation can be better understood as an error in T, leading to a consistent interpretation where the speed of light remains invariant. The discussion demonstrates that errors in time measurement result in apparent discrepancies in λ and T without altering the fundamental constants, thereby maintaining the integrity of the wave equation. This perspective challenges the conventional view of time dilation and suggests that it may be more accurately described as an error in time, preserving the natural progression of time and the invariance of the speed of light.

Keywords: Time Dilation, Error in Time, Wave Equation, Speed of Light Constancy, Relativity,

Comment: Events necessitate the existence of time, rather than time dictating the occurrence of events. The very notion of time emerges only through the presence of events; without events - i.e., without changes in existence - time would hold no significance. In a hypothetical scenario devoid of events, where no change occurs in existence, time would not manifest. Time is, therefore, inherently tied to the occurrence of events, marking the changes within existence. The initiation of the universe, as proposed by the Big Bang, represents the first event, signifying the inception of time itself.


The phenomenon of time dilation, a cornerstone of Einstein's theory of relativity, has been widely accepted as a real physical effect observed under high velocities or strong gravitational fields. This concept suggests that time can slow down relative to an observer in motion compared to a stationary one, leading to measurable differences in the passage of time. However, upon closer examination, particularly through the lens of the wave equation λ = cT, where λ represents wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period, it becomes evident that this dilation might introduce inconsistencies if interpreted as a fundamental dilation in time.

This study reconsiders time dilation not as a true physical alteration but as an error in the measurement or perception of time. By exploring the relationship between wavelength and time period, and recognizing the constancy of the speed of light, we propose that what is observed as time dilation could instead be an artefact of errors in time measurement. This reinterpretation preserves the invariance of the speed of light and maintains the integrity of the wave equation, offering a new perspective on a well-established concept.


To reinterpret time dilation as an error in time while preserving the constancy of the speed of light, the following method was employed:

1. Review of Fundamental Equations:

• Analyse the fundamental wave equation λ = cT, where λ is the wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period.
• Examine how changes in T affect λ under the assumption that c remains constant.

2. Analysis of Time Dilation:

• Define time dilation in terms of the Lorentz factor γ = 1/√(1 - v²/c²), where T′ = γT represents the dilated time period observed in a relativistic frame.
• Substitute T′ into the wave equation to explore the implications: λ = cT′ = cγT.

3. Identification of Inconsistencies:

• Evaluate how substituting T′ = γT affects the equation λ = cT′. Assess whether this substitution suggests a change in the speed of light, thus violating its constancy.
• Identify any discrepancies introduced by assuming time dilation represents a true physical change.

4. Alternative Interpretation:

• Propose that observed time dilation could be due to errors in time measurement rather than actual changes in the nature of time.
• Formulate an error-based model where the observed time period T′ includes an error term: T′ = T + error in T.

5. Validation of the Error Model:

• Substitute the error-based time period T′=T + error in T into the wave equation: λ′ = c(T + error in T).
• Verify that this model maintains the constancy of the speed of light c and provides a consistent explanation of observed discrepancies in λ and T.

6. Comparison with Relativistic Predictions:

• Compare the results of the error-based model with traditional relativistic predictions to assess alignment with empirical data.
• Evaluate whether the reinterpretation offers a viable alternative to conventional time dilation explanations while preserving the fundamental principles of relativity.

By employing this method, we aim to provide a coherent reinterpretation of time dilation as an error in time, ensuring that the speed of light remains constant and the wave equation is consistently applied.

Mathematical Presentation: 

1. Basic Wave Equation

The fundamental wave equation is:

λ = cT

• λ is the wavelength,
• c is the speed of light in a vacuum (constant),
• T is the time period of the wave.

2. Relativistic Time Dilation

In relativity, the time period T observed in a moving frame is related to the time period T in the source's rest frame by:

T′ = γT

• T′ is the dilated time period observed in the moving frame,
• γ is the Lorentz factor given by γ = 1/√(1 - v²/c²),
• v is the relative velocity between the observer and the source.

Substituting T′ into the wave equation yields:

λ = cT′

λ = c⋅(γT)

λ = cγT

3. Inconsistency of Time Dilation

If time dilation T′ = γT is true, then:

λ = cγT

This suggests that the speed of light c would need to adjust to maintain consistency, implying:

c′ = λ/T′

c′ = λ/γT

where c′ is the apparent speed of light in the moving frame. If c′ ≠ c, this would violate the principle that c is constant across all inertial frames.

4. Error-Based Model

To address the inconsistency, we propose that what is observed as time dilation might actually be an error in time measurement. Thus:

T′ = T + error in T

Let error in T = ΔT, so:

T′ = T+ΔT

Substitute T′ into the wave equation:

λ′ = cT′

λ′ = c(T + ΔT)

λ′ = cT + cΔT

Here, λ′ is the observed wavelength incorporating the error. The speed of light c remains constant.

5. Maintaining the Speed of Light

In this error-based model:

λ = cT

λ′ = cT + cΔT

The equation for the apparent speed of light remains:

c = λ′/T′

c = (cT+cΔT)/(T+ΔT)


c = c(T+ΔT)/(T+ΔT)

c = c

Thus, the constancy of the speed of light c is preserved.

Conclusion: By reinterpreting time dilation as an error in the measurement of time, the equation λ = cT remains consistent and the speed of light c remains invariant. This approach addresses the inconsistencies introduced by assuming time dilation represents a true physical change and maintains the fundamental principles of relativity.



Time dilation, as predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity, suggests that time measured in a moving frame will appear to slow down compared to a stationary observer. This phenomenon has been validated through numerous experiments and observations, yet it introduces complex implications for fundamental equations, especially those involving the speed of light. In this discussion, we explore a reinterpretation of time dilation as an error in the measurement or perception of time rather than a genuine physical alteration of time, aiming to preserve the constancy of the speed of light.

Fundamental Wave Equation

The wave equation λ = cT where λ represents wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period, forms the basis for understanding how time dilation impacts wavelength. According to this equation, if T changes, λ should change proportionally, assuming c remains constant.

Relativistic Time Dilation

Relativistic time dilation is described by the Lorentz factor γ = 1/√(1 - v²/c²), leading to the dilated time period T′ = γT. Substituting T′ into the wave equation gives:

λ = cT′

λ = cγT

This substitution suggests that the wavelength λ should increase by a factor of γ if time is dilated. However, this implies that c would need to adjust to maintain the equation's validity, leading to an apparent inconsistency with the principle that c is constant.

Identifying Inconsistencies

The assumption of time dilation implies:

λ = cγT

which introduces a potential variation in the speed of light c:

c′ = λ/T′ 

c′ = λ/λT

Since c is a fundamental constant of nature, any observed change c′ ≠ c would violate the principle of its invariance. This inconsistency highlights the need to reconsider the nature of time dilation.

Error-Based Model

To resolve this inconsistency, we propose that time dilation may not represent a true physical phenomenon but rather an error in the measurement of time. This error-based model suggests:

T′ = T + error in T

where error in T = ΔT. The adjusted equation is:

λ′ = c(T + ΔT)

λ′ = cT + cΔT

This model maintains the constancy of c and explains observed discrepancies as errors rather than alterations in the physical nature of time. The observed wavelength λ′ includes a correction term for the error, ensuring that the speed of light remains unchanged.

Preserving the Speed of Light

Using the error-based model:

λ′ = cT+cΔT

Substituting this into the relationship for c:

c = λ′/T′

c = (cT+cΔT)/(T + ΔT)

c = c

The constancy of c is preserved, as the apparent speed of light remains equal to the true speed of light. This demonstrates that the observed changes in λ and T can be attributed to measurement errors, rather than real changes in the properties of light or time.

Conclusion: By reinterpreting time dilation as an error in the measurement or perception of time, we address the inconsistencies that arise from the traditional relativistic interpretation. This approach preserves the constancy of the speed of light and maintains the fundamental integrity of the wave equation λ = cT. It offers a coherent explanation for observed discrepancies, providing a new perspective on the nature of time dilation and its implications for the laws of physics.


The reinterpretation of time dilation as an error in the measurement or perception of time, rather than a true physical phenomenon, offers a compelling resolution to inconsistencies observed in the wave equation λ = cT. By analysing the implications of time dilation through the lens of this equation, we find that traditional relativistic interpretations may introduce potential discrepancies in the constancy of the speed of light c.

Our proposed error-based model suggests that observed dilations in time T′ can be attributed to measurement errors rather than actual changes in the nature of time. This model maintains the invariance of c, aligning with the fundamental principles of relativity and preserving the integrity of the wave equation. By incorporating an error term into the time period, we can account for observed deviations without altering the constant nature of the speed of light.

This reinterpretation provides a coherent explanation for the observed phenomena, preserving the fundamental postulates of physics while offering a new perspective on the nature of time and its measurement. It underscores the importance of distinguishing between actual physical changes and measurement errors, ensuring that core physical constants, such as the speed of light, remain consistent across all frames of reference.


Reinterpreting Time Dilation as an Error in Time: Preserving the Constancy of the Speed of Light

Soumendra Nath Thakur


The concept of time dilation, traditionally understood within the framework of relativity, is reinterpreted as an error in the measurement or perception of time rather than a genuine physical phenomenon. By analysing the wave equation λ = cT, where λ is the wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period, it is contended that dilation in T introduces inconsistencies in the equation by potentially violating the constancy of c. Instead, this dilation can be better understood as an error in T, leading to a consistent interpretation where the speed of light remains invariant. The discussion demonstrates that errors in time measurement result in apparent discrepancies in λ and T without altering the fundamental constants, thereby maintaining the integrity of the wave equation. This perspective challenges the conventional view of time dilation and suggests that it may be more accurately described as an error in time, preserving the natural progression of time and the invariance of the speed of light.

Keywords: Time Dilation, Error in Time, Wave Equation, Speed of Light Constancy, Relativity,

Comment: Events necessitate the existence of time, rather than time dictating the occurrence of events. The very notion of time emerges only through the presence of events; without events - i.e., without changes in existence - time would hold no significance. In a hypothetical scenario devoid of events, where no change occurs in existence, time would not manifest. Time is, therefore, inherently tied to the occurrence of events, marking the changes within existence. The initiation of the universe, as proposed by the Big Bang, represents the first event, signifying the inception of time itself.


The phenomenon of time dilation, a cornerstone of Einstein's theory of relativity, has been widely accepted as a real physical effect observed under high velocities or strong gravitational fields. This concept suggests that time can slow down relative to an observer in motion compared to a stationary one, leading to measurable differences in the passage of time. However, upon closer examination, particularly through the lens of the wave equation λ = cT, where λ represents wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period, it becomes evident that this dilation might introduce inconsistencies if interpreted as a fundamental dilation in time.

This study reconsiders time dilation not as a true physical alteration but as an error in the measurement or perception of time. By exploring the relationship between wavelength and time period, and recognizing the constancy of the speed of light, we propose that what is observed as time dilation could instead be an artefact of errors in time measurement. This reinterpretation preserves the invariance of the speed of light and maintains the integrity of the wave equation, offering a new perspective on a well-established concept.


To reinterpret time dilation as an error in time while preserving the constancy of the speed of light, the following method was employed:

1. Review of Fundamental Equations:

• Analyse the fundamental wave equation λ = cT, where λ is the wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period.
• Examine how changes in T affect λ under the assumption that c remains constant.

2. Analysis of Time Dilation:

• Define time dilation in terms of the Lorentz factor γ = 1/√(1 - v²/c²), where T′ = γT represents the dilated time period observed in a relativistic frame.
• Substitute T′ into the wave equation to explore the implications: λ = cT′ = cγT.

3. Identification of Inconsistencies:

• Evaluate how substituting T′ = γT affects the equation λ = cT′. Assess whether this substitution suggests a change in the speed of light, thus violating its constancy.
• Identify any discrepancies introduced by assuming time dilation represents a true physical change.

4. Alternative Interpretation:

• Propose that observed time dilation could be due to errors in time measurement rather than actual changes in the nature of time.
• Formulate an error-based model where the observed time period T′ includes an error term: T′ = T + error in T.

5. Validation of the Error Model:

• Substitute the error-based time period T′=T + error in T into the wave equation: λ′ = c(T + error in T).
• Verify that this model maintains the constancy of the speed of light c and provides a consistent explanation of observed discrepancies in λ and T.

6. Comparison with Relativistic Predictions:

• Compare the results of the error-based model with traditional relativistic predictions to assess alignment with empirical data.
• Evaluate whether the reinterpretation offers a viable alternative to conventional time dilation explanations while preserving the fundamental principles of relativity.

By employing this method, we aim to provide a coherent reinterpretation of time dilation as an error in time, ensuring that the speed of light remains constant and the wave equation is consistently applied.

Mathematical Presentation: 

1. Basic Wave Equation

The fundamental wave equation is:

λ = cT

• λ is the wavelength,
• c is the speed of light in a vacuum (constant),
• T is the time period of the wave.

2. Relativistic Time Dilation

In relativity, the time period T observed in a moving frame is related to the time period T in the source's rest frame by:

T′ = γT

• T′ is the dilated time period observed in the moving frame,
• γ is the Lorentz factor given by γ = 1/√(1 - v²/c²),
• v is the relative velocity between the observer and the source.

Substituting T′ into the wave equation yields:

λ = cT′

λ = c⋅(γT)

λ = cγT

3. Inconsistency of Time Dilation

If time dilation T′ = γT is true, then:

λ = cγT

This suggests that the speed of light c would need to adjust to maintain consistency, implying:

c′ = λ/T′

c′ = λ/γT

where c′ is the apparent speed of light in the moving frame. If c′ ≠ c, this would violate the principle that c is constant across all inertial frames.

4. Error-Based Model

To address the inconsistency, we propose that what is observed as time dilation might actually be an error in time measurement. Thus:

T′ = T + error in T

Let error in T = ΔT, so:

T′ = T+ΔT

Substitute T′ into the wave equation:

λ′ = cT′

λ′ = c(T + ΔT)

λ′ = cT + cΔT

Here, λ′ is the observed wavelength incorporating the error. The speed of light c remains constant.

5. Maintaining the Speed of Light

In this error-based model:

λ = cT

λ′ = cT + cΔT

The equation for the apparent speed of light remains:

c = λ′/T′

c = (cT+cΔT)/(T+ΔT)


c = c(T+ΔT)/(T+ΔT)

c = c

Thus, the constancy of the speed of light c is preserved.

Conclusion: By reinterpreting time dilation as an error in the measurement of time, the equation λ = cT remains consistent and the speed of light c remains invariant. This approach addresses the inconsistencies introduced by assuming time dilation represents a true physical change and maintains the fundamental principles of relativity.



Time dilation, as predicted by Einstein's theory of relativity, suggests that time measured in a moving frame will appear to slow down compared to a stationary observer. This phenomenon has been validated through numerous experiments and observations, yet it introduces complex implications for fundamental equations, especially those involving the speed of light. In this discussion, we explore a reinterpretation of time dilation as an error in the measurement or perception of time rather than a genuine physical alteration of time, aiming to preserve the constancy of the speed of light.

Fundamental Wave Equation

The wave equation λ = cT where λ represents wavelength, c is the speed of light, and T is the time period, forms the basis for understanding how time dilation impacts wavelength. According to this equation, if T changes, λ should change proportionally, assuming c remains constant.

Relativistic Time Dilation

Relativistic time dilation is described by the Lorentz factor γ = 1/√(1 - v²/c²), leading to the dilated time period T′ = γT. Substituting T′ into the wave equation gives:

λ = cT′

λ = cγT

This substitution suggests that the wavelength λ should increase by a factor of γ if time is dilated. However, this implies that c would need to adjust to maintain the equation's validity, leading to an apparent inconsistency with the principle that c is constant.

Identifying Inconsistencies

The assumption of time dilation implies:

λ = cγT

which introduces a potential variation in the speed of light c:

c′ = λ/T′ 

c′ = λ/λT

Since c is a fundamental constant of nature, any observed change c′ ≠ c would violate the principle of its invariance. This inconsistency highlights the need to reconsider the nature of time dilation.

Error-Based Model

To resolve this inconsistency, we propose that time dilation may not represent a true physical phenomenon but rather an error in the measurement of time. This error-based model suggests:

T′ = T + error in T

where error in T = ΔT. The adjusted equation is:

λ′ = c(T + ΔT)

λ′ = cT + cΔT

This model maintains the constancy of c and explains observed discrepancies as errors rather than alterations in the physical nature of time. The observed wavelength λ′ includes a correction term for the error, ensuring that the speed of light remains unchanged.

Preserving the Speed of Light

Using the error-based model:

λ′ = cT+cΔT

Substituting this into the relationship for c:

c = λ′/T′

c = (cT+cΔT)/(T + ΔT)

c = c

The constancy of c is preserved, as the apparent speed of light remains equal to the true speed of light. This demonstrates that the observed changes in λ and T can be attributed to measurement errors, rather than real changes in the properties of light or time.

Conclusion: By reinterpreting time dilation as an error in the measurement or perception of time, we address the inconsistencies that arise from the traditional relativistic interpretation. This approach preserves the constancy of the speed of light and maintains the fundamental integrity of the wave equation λ = cT. It offers a coherent explanation for observed discrepancies, providing a new perspective on the nature of time dilation and its implications for the laws of physics.


The reinterpretation of time dilation as an error in the measurement or perception of time, rather than a true physical phenomenon, offers a compelling resolution to inconsistencies observed in the wave equation λ = cT. By analysing the implications of time dilation through the lens of this equation, we find that traditional relativistic interpretations may introduce potential discrepancies in the constancy of the speed of light c.

Our proposed error-based model suggests that observed dilations in time T′ can be attributed to measurement errors rather than actual changes in the nature of time. This model maintains the invariance of c, aligning with the fundamental principles of relativity and preserving the integrity of the wave equation. By incorporating an error term into the time period, we can account for observed deviations without altering the constant nature of the speed of light.

This reinterpretation provides a coherent explanation for the observed phenomena, preserving the fundamental postulates of physics while offering a new perspective on the nature of time and its measurement. It underscores the importance of distinguishing between actual physical changes and measurement errors, ensuring that core physical constants, such as the speed of light, remain consistent across all frames of reference.
