09 June 2024

Group Velocity and Group Velocity Dispersion:

Group Velocity

Group velocity (v𝑔) is the speed at which the envelope of a wave packet or a group of waves travels through a medium. It is defined as the rate at which the overall shape of the waves' amplitudes—known as the modulation or envelope—moves through space.

Mathematical Expression:
If we consider a wave packet consisting of a range of frequencies, the group velocity can be expressed as:

v𝑔 = dω/dk

ω is the angular frequency of the wave.
k is the wave number.

Physical Significance:
The group velocity represents the velocity at which information or energy is conveyed by the wave packet. For example, in optical fibres, the group velocity determines how quickly a light pulse travels down the fibre.

Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD)

Group velocity dispersion (GVD) refers to the phenomenon where the group velocity varies with frequency. This occurs because different frequency components of the wave packet travel at different speeds, leading to the spreading or broadening of the packet as it propagates.

Mathematical Expression:
GVD is often quantified by the second derivative of the angular frequency with respect to the wave number:

D = d²ω/dk² 

Alternatively, it can be expressed in terms of the group delay 

τ𝑔 = dϕ/dω 
where ϕ is the phase of the wave. The GVD parameter D can then be related to the group delay by:

D = dτ𝑔/dω
Physical Significance:
When GVD is present, the wave packet spreads out over time because different frequency components move at different velocities. This effect is crucial in fibre optics, where it can lead to pulse broadening, affecting the performance of optical communication systems.

Key Concepts and Implications

1. Normal and Anomalous Dispersion:

• In regions of normal dispersion, higher frequency components travel slower than lower frequency components (positive GVD).
• In regions of anomalous dispersion, higher frequency components travel faster than lower frequency components (negative GVD).

2. Pulse Broadening:

• In optical fibres, GVD causes pulses to broaden over long distances, which can limit the bandwidth and the distance over which data can be transmitted without significant distortion.
• Dispersion management techniques are employed to mitigate the effects of GVD in communication systems.

3. Applications:

• In ultrafast optics, controlling GVD is essential for the generation and manipulation of ultrashort laser pulses.
• In seismology, understanding GVD helps in the analysis of seismic waves to infer properties of the Earth's interior.

Consider a Gaussian pulse traveling through an optical fibre. Due to GVD, the pulse broadens as it propagates. If the initial pulse has a temporal width τ₀ and the fibre has a GVD parameter β₂, the pulse width after traveling a distance z becomes:

τ(z) = τ₀√{1+(4β₂z/τ₀²)}²

This equation shows how the initial pulse width τ₀ evolves with distance z under the influence of GVD.

• Group velocity is the speed at which the envelope of a wave packet moves, important for determining the speed of information transfer.
• Group velocity dispersion describes how different frequency components of a wave packet travel at different speeds, leading to the spreading of the packet over time.

Both concepts are fundamental in understanding and designing systems that rely on wave propagation, such as optical communication networks and signal processing devices.

08 June 2024

The Dynamics of Gravity and Antigravity:

Soumendra Nath Thakur
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1871-7803


In a gravitationally bound system, the gravitational field is nearly constant and does not propagate in the usual sense.

However, gravity restricts the speed of objects within its influence. The speed of light is determined by gravity.

In the absence of gravity, there may be no speed limit, as there would be no gravitational force to impose such a restriction.

A negative mass can repel a gravitationally bound body if it comes within the range of antigravity.

The rate at which it repels depends on the respective masses, specifically between the effective mass of the antigravity source and the gravitational mass of the object.

The gravitational field moves with the gravitating object at the same speed as the object itself.

The extent of the gravitational field of a gravitating object is limited to its zero-gravity sphere. Beyond this, dark energy prevails.

The interaction between gravity and antigravity can propel a gravitationally bound object much faster than the speed of light.

The effective mass of dark energy, which causes antigravity, is less than zero (<0), yet antigravity can repel a gravitational mass that is greater than zero (>0).

The negative effective mass of antigravity is greater than the gravitational mass, enabling antigravity to dominate.

Gravitational interactions occur between gravitational fields rather than between the masses themselves, meaning that a massive body does not limit speed—its gravitational field does.

Thus, in a gravitationally bound system, speed is constrained by gravity, specifically the gravitational fields. The speed of light is dictated by gravity, not the gravitating body.

Therefore, gravitational interactions may produce energy-carrying gravitational waves whose speed is governed by gravity. The gravitational field itself does not have an independent speed but moves at the speed of the gravitating object.

Comparative Study: Classical and Relativistic Mechanics - Principles, Examples, and Discrepancies in Length Contraction Predictions:

Soumendra Nath Thakur
ORCiD: 0000-0003-1871-7803



This study investigates the principles of classical and relativistic mechanics, exploring their applications through examples and analysing the differences in length contraction predictions. Classical mechanics concepts such as Newton's second law and Hooke's Law are discussed, alongside relativistic mechanics principles including the Lorentz factor. The study provides examples of both classical deformation and relativistic length contraction, demonstrating how these phenomena manifest at different velocities. By comparing the predicted length contractions, significant discrepancies are identified, particularly at higher velocities. Factors contributing to these differences, such as acceleration-related length deformation and the limitations of the Lorentz factor, are examined. 

Keywords: classical mechanics, relativistic mechanics, length contraction, Lorentz factor, Newton's second law, Hooke's Law, velocity, acceleration,

Lorentz factor (γ):

The Lorentz factor (γ), introduced by Albert Einstein, quantifies the effects of special relativity on time, length, and relativistic mass for objects moving relative to an observer. It is defined by the equation γ = 1/√(1-v²/c²), where v is the velocity of the moving object and c is the speed of light. At rest (v=0), γ=1, indicating no time dilation or length contraction.

As velocities increase, the Lorentz factor approaches 1, indicating negligible relativistic effects. For example, at v=100 m/s, γ≈1.0000000000000556, and at v=1,000,000 m/s, γ≈1.0000055556. The Lorentz factor becomes significant when it exceeds 1.1, corresponding to velocities approaching 0.413 times the speed of light (41.3% of c), such as v=123,900,000 m/s.

Comparison between classical deformation and relativistic length contraction reveals significant discrepancies in relativistic predictions for length changes under similar conditions. Relativistic length contractions are notably smaller than their classical counterparts, as evidenced by the differences measured.

In classical mechanics:

1. The equation v = u + at relates the initial velocity (u), acceleration (a), time (t), and final velocity (v).
2. Newton's second law states F = ma, where force (F) is directly proportional to acceleration (a) and inversely proportional to mass (m).
3. Hooke's Law expresses the relationship between length deformation (ΔL) and applied force (F): F = k⋅ΔL, where k is the spring constant.
4. The spring constant (k) is calculated as k = F/ΔL, where F is the applied force and ΔL is the displacement.
Given an object with mass m = 10g and a spring constant k = 29979.2458N/m, initial velocity u = 0 m/s:

For velocities v=100m/s, v=1,000,000m/s, and v=123900000m/s, time (t) can be determined from (v−u) = 100m/s, yielding t = 1 second.

Using F = ma, forces (F) are calculated for each velocity. Then, ΔL is determined using ΔL = F/k.

The respective deformations (ΔL) for the given velocities are approximately:

• ΔL ≈ 3.34 × 10⁻⁵ m for v = 100 m/s
• ΔL ≈ 0.333 m for v = 1,000,000 m/s
• ΔL ≈ 41.32 m for v = 123,900,000 m/s

To find the total lengths after deformation, add these values to the original length of 1 meter:

• For v = 100 m/s: Total length ≈ 1 meter + 3.34 × 10⁻⁵ m
• For v = 1,000,000 m/s: Total length ≈ 1 meter + 0.333 m
• For v = 123,900,000 m/s: Total length ≈ 1 meter + 41.32 m

These total lengths represent the final lengths of the object after deformation.

Relativistic Mechanics Examples:

Given an object with a rest length (L⁰) of 1 meter and a rest mass of 10 grams (0.01 kg), initially at rest (v = 0 m/s), the object separates from the reference frame at t = 0 s and achieves velocities of 100 m/s, 1,000,000 m/s, and 123,900,000 m/s respectively.

To calculate the length contraction (ΔL) for each velocity using the Lorentz factor (γ), we employ the formula ΔL = γ⋅L⁰.

Using the speed of light (c ≈ 3 × 10⁸ m/s), we find:

1. For v = 100 m/s:
γ ≈ 1.0000000000000556
ΔL ≈ 1.0000000000000556 m

2. For v = 100,000 m/s:
γ ≈ 1.0000055556
ΔL ≈ 1.0000055556 m

3. For v = 123,900,000 m/s:
γ ≈ 1.1
ΔL ≈ 1.1 m

These values represent the change in length (contraction) relative to the observer due to the object's motion, with the original length L⁰ being 1 meter.

Comparison between Classical deformation and relativistic length contraction:

Comparison between classical deformation and relativistic length contraction reveals significant discrepancies in their predictions for length changes under similar conditions. Relativistic length contractions are notably smaller than their classical counterparts, as evidenced by the following differences:

At v = 100 m/s, the relativistic contraction is 0.000033399999444m smaller.
At v = 1,000,000 m/s, the relativistic contraction is 0.3329944444m smaller.
At v = 123,900,000 m/s, the relativistic contraction is 41.22 m smaller.

These differences arise due to several factors. Firstly, the relativistic Lorentz factor (γ) does not account for acceleration-related length deformation as the moving frame transitions from rest to the desired velocity. Additionally, it does not consider the stiffness of the material or the spring constant (k), leading to unaccounted changes in length.

Moreover, the applicability of the Lorentz factor is limited in everyday scenarios where speeds are well below the speed of light. Furthermore, the traditional application of γ·mc² is not suitable for processes involving speeds equal to or exceeding the speed of light, such as nuclear conversions of mass into energy. Therefore, the relativistic Lorentz factor is flawed and inferior to classical mechanics' interpretations of material deformation (ΔL).

The products of nuclear processes in brief:

Nuclear reactions like fission and fusion split large nuclei, releasing heat and gamma rays, and merge light nuclei, releasing energy, while radioactive decay loses energy through radiation to unstable nuclei.

Nuclear fission products are atomic fragments left after a large nucleus splits into smaller nuclei, releasing heat energy and gamma rays. Nuclear fusion involves merging two light nuclei to form a single heavier nucleus, releasing energy as the resulting mass is less than the original nuclei's. Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy through radiation.

Nuclear Fission:

• In nuclear fission, large nuclei split into smaller fragments, releasing heat energy and gamma rays.

• The products of nuclear fission are atomic fragments (such as isotopes of different elements) resulting from the splitting process.

Nuclear Fusion:

• Nuclear fusion involves merging two light nuclei to form a single, heavier nucleus.

• This process releases energy because the resulting mass is slightly less than the sum of the original nuclei’s masses.

Radioactive Decay:

• Radioactive decay occurs when an unstable atomic nucleus spontaneously emits radiation.

• During decay, the unstable nucleus loses energy, leading to the transformation of the nucleus into a more stable state.

The nuclear reactions encompass both fission and fusion, each with distinct outcomes.

Keywords: nuclear reactions,  fission, fusion, radioactive decay,

#NuclearReactions #fission #fusion #RadioactiveDecay

The paper "Dark energy and the structure of the Coma cluster of galaxies" by Chernin et al.

The paper "Dark energy and the structure of the Coma cluster of galaxies" by Chernin et al. explores the influence of dark energy on the structure and mass of the Coma cluster of galaxies. The authors approach the Coma cluster as a gravitationally bound system embedded in the dark energy background described by the ΛCDM cosmology. They aim to determine whether the dark energy density is significant enough to affect the structure of such a large cluster.

Key Concepts and Methods:

1. Three Characteristic Masses:

• Matter Mass (Mᴍ): The total mass of matter (dark matter and baryons) within a given radius.

• Dark Energy Effective Mass (Mᴅᴇ or mᵉᶠᶠ): The mass equivalent of the dark energy's gravitational effect within the same radius. It is negative due to dark energy's repulsive nature. It is negative due to dark energy's repulsive nature and is defined as the difference between the gravitating mass and the matter mass, calculated as:

Mᴅᴇ (or mᵉᶠᶠ) = Mɢ - Mᴍ

• Gravitating Mass (Mɢ): The total mass that includes the effect of dark energy, defined as

Mɢ = Mᴍ + Mᴅᴇ (or mᵉᶠᶠ).

2. Zero-Gravity Radius (Rᴢɢ):

• The radius where the gravitational pull due to matter is exactly balanced by the repulsive effect of dark energy.

• Calculated as 

Rᴢɢ = [Mᴍ/(8π/3)ρᴅᴇ]^1/3, 

where Mᴍ is the matter mass, and ρᴅᴇ is the density of dark energy.

3. Matter Density Profile:

• The authors propose a new density profile that accounts for dark energy effects, improving the fit to observational data from 1.4 Mpc to 14 Mpc.


1. Impact of Dark Energy:

• At small radii (R ≤ 14 Mpc), dark energy has a negligible effect on the mass distribution, so

Mɢ ≃ Mᴍ. 

• In this context: Mɢ is the gravitational mass. Mᴍ is the matter mass.

• At larger radii (R ≥ 14 Mpc), dark energy significantly affects the structure, and its repulsive effect becomes comparable to or greater than the gravitational attraction of matter.

2. Mass Estimates:

• The upper limit for the total size of the Coma cluster is approximately 20 Mpc, beyond which the cluster cannot remain gravitationally bound due to the repulsive force of dark energy.

• The total matter mass within this radius is estimated to be Mᴍ ≲ 6.2 × 10¹⁵ M⊙.

3. Comparison with Traditional Profiles:

• The NFW (Navarro-Frenk-White) and Hernquist profiles are traditional models used to describe the matter density of clusters but do not adequately account for dark energy.

• The new profile proposed by the authors provides a better fit to observational data, especially at larger radii where dark energy effects are significant.


The study concludes that dark energy significantly affects the structure of the Coma cluster at large distances from the centre. The proposed matter density profile, which incorporates the effects of dark energy, provides a more accurate representation of the cluster's mass distribution. The findings suggest that the Coma cluster's total matter mass is capped at around 6.2 × 10¹⁵ M⊙, and its size is limited to about 20 Mpc due to the influence of dark energy.


• Large-Scale Structure: The results highlight the importance of considering dark energy when studying the structure and mass of galaxy clusters.

• Observational Verification: Future observations can test these predictions, particularly the proposed upper limits on the Coma cluster's size and mass.

• Cosmological Models: The findings reinforce the ΛCDM model and its implications for the role of dark energy in the Universe.

• By integrating dark energy into the analysis, this paper provides a more comprehensive understanding of the Coma cluster's structure, offering insights into the broader effects of dark energy on cosmic structures.


Chernin, A. D., Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G. S.,Teerikorpi, P., Valtonen, M. J., Byrd, G.G., & Merafina, M. (2013). Dark energyand the structure of the Coma cluster ofgalaxies. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 553,A101. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201220781