19 July 2023

Why is there so much dispute over phenomenons explained by special theory of relativity like time dilation and length contraction?

The disputes over the phenomena of time dilation and length contraction are obvious and therefore need to be verified according to the interpretation of the general laws of physical science and applied mathematics, but certainly do not accept what relativity or the Lorentz transformation promotes.

In time dilation, the obvious flaw is between the concepts of time and space. The theory of special relativity assumes Minkowski spacetime that combines three-dimensional Euclidean space and fourth-dimensional time into a four-dimensional manifold, where time is stripped of its independence, rather considered 'natural

The hypothetical equation of time dilation was based on the Lorentz transformation and Doppler's formula, which failed to identify the cause of time distortion. Doppler shift is the change in frequency of a wave relative to an observer moving relative to the source of the wave. Whereas, the Lorentz transformation is a mathematical representation of the relationship between two different coordinate frames moving at a constant velocity and relative to each other.

This concept of special relativity is wrong, imposed and unrealistic, because events invoke the concept of time and never the other way around. Time is a purely mathematical parameter and cannot occupy space dimensionally, therefore, physical events cannot interact with time because we cannot perceive time physically but time is a consideration of the mind. So time has no physical existence and therefore cannot be dilated through physical relativistic effects. A lower, three-dimensional space can never influence or interact with a higher fourth-dimensional time.

Time distortion always arises from wavelength distortion but in special relativity time dilation cannot be understood from wavelength distortion and therefore does not follow the general rules. Time dilation is rather wavelength dilation. 

The wave equation in combination with the Planck equation has been able to successfully identify the distorted frequencies due to the relativistic effect, which has an effect factor. Relative time is derived from relative frequency. It is the phase change in relative frequency due to the infinite loss of wave energy and the corresponding increase in the wavelength of oscillation; which occurs at any clock between relative positions due to the relativistic effect or difference in gravitational potential; Clock time reading result error; which is incorrectly represented as time dilation

Reasons & extperiments: 

Planck's equation shows us that the frequency of a wave is proportional to the energy of the wave. Gravity exerts a mechanical force on any object that deform objects and pushes on surrounding atoms. In the case of a gravitational potential difference, there is less gravitational stress on a piezoelectric crystal, which reverses the deformation of the structure, thereby pushing the atoms around, causing the crystal to conduct less electric current than in the ground state.

Experiments on piezoelectric crystal oscillators show that wave distortions correspond to time distortions due to relativistic effects. A phase shift in relative frequency refers to a change in the timing or synchronization of oscillations between two clocks at different relative positions. This can occur due to factors such as differences in velocity or gravitational potential.

We get that the wavelength 𝜆 of a wave is directly proportional to the wave period T, i.e. 𝜆 ∝ 𝑇, obtained from the wave equation 𝑓 = 𝑣/𝜆 = 1/𝑇 = 𝐸/ℎ where h is Planck's constant and 𝑓, 𝑣, 𝜆, 𝑇 and 𝐸 represents the frequency, velocity, wavelength, period and power of the wave respectively.

Where the time interval 𝑇(𝑑𝑒𝑔) is inversely proportional to the frequency (𝑓) for 1° phase. We get a wave of similar shit at times. For example, a 1° phase shift in a 5 MHz wave corresponds to a time change of 555 picoseconds (ps)

  • We know, 1° phase shift = 𝑇/360. As 𝑇 = 1/𝑓,
  • 1° phase shift = 𝑇/360 = (1/𝑓)/360
  • For a wave of frequency 𝑓 = 5 𝑀𝐻𝑧, we get phase shift (degrees °) = (1/5000000)/360 = 555 𝑝𝑠.

Time variation of Cesium-133 atomic clock in GPS satellite: GPS satellite orbits at an altitude of about 20,000 km. with a time delay of about 38 microseconds per day.

  • For a 1455.50003025° phase shift or, 4.043055639583333 cycles of the 9192631770 Hz wave; Time variation (time delay) 𝛥𝑡 = 0.0000004398148148148148 𝑚𝑠 (approx) or, 38 microseconds per day.

Concluding that the time dilation equation is incorrect and fails to explain the cause of time distortions, where, under the influence of both relative velocities and gravitational potential differences, phase shifts in relative clock oscillations can occur and cause errors in timing; This is actually the clock timing error due to relativistic effects.

Therefore,the disputes over the phenomena of time dilation and length contraction are obvious and valid.

17 July 2023

A good clock cannot show dilated time:

The clocks are required to tell time, and that clocks oscillate so such oscillations follow the wave equation.

In addition, the flow of time requires a 360 degree dial or scale so that the oscillating part of the clock can represent the correct time at a specific frequency, so that the oscillating state of a certain fixed frequency is maintained.
But if time dilates due to motion or gravitational effect then the dilated time within the dial of a 360 degree watch will not be able to accurately display the time dilated, so the watch cannot display the dilated time on its specific 360 degree dial. Can't be seen at all. So how can you measure time dilation on the clock? No one can do that.

15 July 2023

Relativistic events and frames of reference are universal, follow universal applicability:

The Special Theory of Relativity introduces the relativistic frames of reference by introducing an additional frame of reference, mathematically, for presenting relativistic events within the universal frame of reference. 

A co-ordinate geometrical digram of relativistic frames of reference can be presented within the universal frame of reference under the influence of gravity.

As for example, when we present the digit 1, it's magnitude is considered as the difference between 1 and 0 so that  (1-0) = 1, necessarily we do not mention 0 or the difference between them to present the magnitude of 1. 

Similarly, when introducing an additional frame of reference, that would physically mean a mathematical or geometrical introduction of another frame of reference, within the universal frame of reference even when not defined. 

Therefore, relativistic events are relative universal events, and they occur within universal frame of reference, and therefore follow universal applicability

The Lorentz transformation is no exception in terms of universal applicability.

Author: Soumendra Nath Thakur, ORCID: 0000-0003-1871-7803

13 July 2023

A photon passes near a massive object simultaniously gains and loses momentum:

The momentum of a photon is given by the equation p = E/c, where p represents momentum, E represents energy, and c represents the speed of light. Since the energy of a photon is directly related to its frequency or inversely related to its wavelength, any change in the photon's energy will result in a corresponding change in its momentum.

When a photon passes near a massive object, it simultaniously gains and loses energy (and thus momentum) due to gravitational interactions. This exchange of momentum causes the photon's path to be curved or deflected in the presence of a gravitational field.

Despite the exchange of momentum, a photon continues to travel at the speed of light (c) and covers the same distance (d) relative to its constant speed. The curvature of the photon's path is a result of the gravitational interaction and exchange of momentum.

Redshift due to motion, when phase shift T(deg) of the observed frequency and the source frequency f(rest) are know.:

Redshift due to motion - an alternative formula. 

A 1° phase shift in the wave oscillation is due to motion, we can calculate the redshift using the formula.

z = {1 - 360 * f(rest)} / {360 * f(rest)}.

Where, T(deg) represents the phase shift in degrees and f(rest) represents the source frequency